“You’rewelcome.I’dbe happy to ta—what?”Hiseyes widen.
“Whichpart are you confused about?”Itilt my head, a smirk playing on my lips. “Thepart about me being thankful, or you colluding withJo?”
“I-I…Iliterally have no idea what you’re talking about.Jowas so sick.Thesickest.Itwas close for a second…”Hishead drops with a big sigh. “You’renot buying any of this are you?”
“Nope.Nada.Nein.”Ishake my head.
“Fuck.Listen,Ican explain.”
Iprop my fists on my hips with fake annoyance. “Oh, please do.”
“It’sgoing to sound childish.”Heblows out a breath. “WhenIheardJowas taking you to see the leaves change,Igot…jealous.Ihad a whole day planned.”
Well,Iwas not expecting that.I’mnot really sure whatIwas expecting.
ShortlyafterGrahamleft the bakery,Jowalked by withClaire.Clearly, she had forgotten about the little white lie she told me that morning, because she waved at me through the window looking healthy as ever.Afterabout five seconds, her waving slowed, eyes widened, before she gripped her throat with a pained look and scurried away.
Itwas thenIsuspected all the whisperingIheard between her andGrahamthe other night had something to do with this afternoon’s trip.
“Whywould you be jealous about that?”Iask, genuinely confused at his confession.He’strying his best to keep eye contact, butIcan tell this is making him uncomfortable, and that’s the last thingIwant after such an amazing day. “Actually, forget about it.Itdoesn’t matter, either way,Ihad the best time,andI’mso happyIgot to experience that with you.I’mgonna go to sleep.Seeyou in the morning.”
Igive him a brief smile and turn to head to my bedroom, but his words stop me in my tracks.
“Iwanted to see the prettiest personI’veever met, standing and experiencing one of the most outstanding views for the first time.Twobeauties in one place.Yousaid today was one for the record books.AndIagree.Butonly becauseIgot to witness you shining bright and beautiful.”
Hisvoice is strong, unwavering.
Thebeating of his heart is obvious against his naked chest asIface him, andIthink mine is pounding twice as fast. “Graham,”Ibreathe. “Youcan’t say things like that.Ithought we were keeping this strictly platonic.That’snot how friends talk to each other.”
“Fuck,” he growls, fingers swiping through his hair. “Iknow, but how canInot say it after seeing that enchanting look on your face?Iwanted to experience that with you.Todaywas one of the best days of my life too, but only because you were there with me.Thenyou told me everything about your mom andIfelt like a piece of shit, becauseI’dtricked you into coming with me.IknowI’mscrewing everything up and we keep blurring the lines of this agreement.Ijust had to tell you that.”Hisshoulders lose some tension, like he’s been holding on to the weight of his lie all day.
It’sa sweet lie.Reallysweet.
Mylack of response has him shifting on his feet as he scratches the back of his neck. “Idon’t say any of this to make you uncomfortable.I’msorry.Ididn’t mean to ruin your day out withJo.Let’sadd this to the list of things that never happened.”
I’mnot sureI’llever forget today or what he just said.
Hejust told meI’mthe prettiest person he’s ever seen.WhileIdon’t really understand why he wouldn’t just ask if hecould take me to see the leaves, it doesn’t overshadow what an amazing gesture it is.Hebought me my very own pair of yellow rain boots because of a story about me in fifth grade.Heonly buys me yellow flowers becauseItold him it’s my favorite color.Heunpacked all my belongings to make me feel less sad about my van.
ThereasonGrahamis so quiet, is because he’s been listening intently this whole time and stowing away every detailItell him.
Hesteps up to me, and for one second,Ithink—no,Ihope—he’s going to kiss me.
Ata glacial pace, he bends down and brushes his lips across my cheek.Far, far away from whereIwant them to land. “Goodnight,Quinn,” he murmurs and then walks to his bedroom.
Awave of disappointment sweeps through me.Wekeep doing this; setting rules, breaking them, resetting them, and then finding ourselves with our feet raised, ready to cross the line again.
Andright now,Ihave no idea which side we’re standing on.
EverythingIdo and say is wrong.
Todaywas as perfect as she was, butIhad to go and ruin it by opening my mouth.