Page 37 of Just One Moment

Thesound of the front door opening halts my internal ramblings.

Quinn’sback.Orperhaps a burglar has broken in to put me out of my misery.

“Hey,Graham, are you home?”Hervoice carries through the apartment to whereI’mhiding.

Doesshe sound…happy?

Inod my head, but she doesn’t respond.

“Graham,” she calls out.I’mabout to nod my head again, whenIremember she isn’tSuperwomanand can’t see through walls.Whatis happening to me?

“Yeah,”Icroak out.

“Ohgood, you’re here.”Herfootsteps grow closer until they pause outside my door. “CanIcome in?”

“Intomy bedroom?”Myeyes dart around the room in panic, but much like the rest of the apartment, there isn’t much to see.Thatdoesn’t stop my heart rate from rising at the thought of us being in such close proximity again.

“Ifthat’s okay.Ormaybe you could come out?Ihave something for you.”

Probablya restraining order.

“S-sure.Comeon in,”Icall out and stand in the center of the room.

Thehandle rattles and then turns slowly.Thetop of her head appears first, then her hazel eyes peek over the edge of the door.Withouteven seeing her mouth, the crinkled corners of her eyes tell me she’s smiling.Agood sign.Whenshe spots me, she bounces into the room, vibrating with happiness, at what,Idon’t know.

EvenwhenI’mfreaking out, her delight is contagious.Iwant to bottle it up and save it for the miserable days.

She’salways beautiful, but when she bubbles with excitement like this, it’s impossible to look away.

Today’spop of color is the bright pink scrunchie holding her hair back in a low pony.She’sstill in the pair of light denim overalls from earlier, dusted in flour and splashes of coffee.AlthoughQuinncould wear the dullest of outfits and still light up the room.

“Everythingokay?”Myvoice wavers, because despite herhappy outward appearance,I’mstill nervous about what she’s going to say and if she will bring up this afternoon.

“I’msuper.Sorrywe didn’t get to talk much at the bakery, it was a busy one today.”It’sthenInotice her hands are behind her back, hiding something from my view, and her smile widens when she sees where my attention has landed. “Okay, don’t be mad, butIgot you a gift.Well, two gifts.Onefor you and one forCurly.Iwas scrolling mindlessly online, andIjust knew you both needed these.”

“Whatis it?”Theguilty yet pleased look on her face has me worried for a completely different reason now.

Sheslowly reveals the gifts and it’s near impossible to keep a straight face.Inone hand is a teeny-tiny, knitted sweater; it’s orange and decorated with pumpkins, vines, and leaves.

“Aren’tthey adorable?” she squeals.

Plural.Becausein her other hand is a larger version of the sweater. “They’resomething all right.”Ipoint to the bigger one. “Itake it that one is for me?”

Pleasesay no.

“Yes!Ohmy god, you guys are going to look so cute.”Shelooks down at where my dog is prancing around her feet.I’mthe one who rescued him, yet he worships the ground she walks on.Whocan blame him though? “Ithought you could wear it tomorrow for dinner?”

HowcanIdeny her when she looks up at me with such hope and glee?

Goneis the worry about today’s impromptu kiss.Mymain concern now is how to avoid my brothers, because they’re going to have a field day whenIrock up wearing this monstrosity of a sweater.

“Iwanted to get you something to thank you for everything you’ve done for me.I’dusually bake a cake as a thank-you,” she says with a sly wink.

Fuckmy dislike for sugary snacks.I’dtake tooth decay overthis.Ihaven’t even tried it on, but it’s making me itch just looking at it.

“Well, here you go.”Sheshoves them in my hands. “I’mgonna get washed up and start on dinner.Doyou want to eat with me?”

“Oh, yeah, sure.”Shereally isn’t going to talk about the kiss, is she?