Page 35 of Just One Moment

Honey.There’sthat nickname again.Theone that has my insides going all topsy-turvy.

Iswipe two fingers across the same cupcakeGrahamdestroyed and raise my hand toward him. “Twocan play at that game.”

Withquick movements,Idive for his face, but he’s quicker.Myicing-smeared fingers are caught between his much larger hands, and he tugs me into him until our chests are crushed together.

Thatsame rousing sensationIfelt in his kitchen courses through me.It’sstronger now, because this feels deliberate.

Slowly, so slowly he leans down, and brings his thumb to my cheek.Withthe gentlest of touches, he swipes the blue icing across my skin and over my lips.Intendedor not, my entire body vibrates with delight, too stunned to lick the sweet mixture away.

Withoutbreaking eye contact, he pops his thumb into his mouth and sucks it clean.I’mready to melt into a puddle, butGrahamisn’t done yet.Farfrom it. “Sorry, missed a bit,” he murmurs, his minty breath coasting across my face. “I’mgoing to kiss you now.Isthat okay?”

Good.God.Whois this man?

Inod, and then his lips are on mine.

Firstkisses tend to be underwhelming and nervous from experience.

Thisis anything but.

I’maware of every millisecond.It’sbrief, but he sure makes the most of it.Whenhis tongue runs across my bottom lip, he hums in approval before pulling away.

I’mbreathless asIwatch him wipe at the corner of his mouth with his thumb.

Iforget where we are, the aftereffects of the kiss having left me momentarily senseless, until the sound of cups on saucers and chatter starts to filter back in and we pull apart.

Grahamkissed me.

Thankfullymy voice doesn’t shake like my knees whenIfinally speak.

“Well.What’sthe verdict?”Hetilts his head in question. “Doyou like sugary treats now?”

“Nah.Ithink there’s something sweeter and more delicious waiting out there for me.”Hiseyes are glued to my lips.LipsIvery much want on mine again.

Apparentlyhe’s forgotten where we are, too, until his eyes scan the room.Ifollow his gaze and see they’ve landed on the now-vacant table whereJenna’sfriends were sitting, and it all makes sense.

Itwas all for them andI’mnot even sure they saw it.

“Didthey leave?”Ispin around to faceGraham, but he’s already at the sink, trimming and arranging the bouquet of flowers he brought me.Whenhe catches me watching him over his shoulder, his eyes snap back to his task, with a warm glow to his cheeks.

Iinternally kick myself for getting so lost in the moment thatIforgot everything we do in public is for show.Anyfuzzy, warm feelingsIhave toward him are foolish.Thatkiss was like nothingI’veever experienced, but he clearly had to ramp up the dial for effect.

Tinglinglips and other body parts are natural.Imean, look at him.

Decidingto act like that interaction was an everyday occurrence,Ipull out a large mason jar, fill it with water, and place it next to him.

Iwatch as he carefully arranges the carnations into the jar,knowing their yellow shade is going to look lovely up by the register.

“Youremembered my favorite color?”Iask as my shoulder brushes his arm.

“Idid.Arethese flowers okay?Ican get you others if you don’t like them.”Heglances from me to the flowers with a concerned look on his face.Howon earth would he thinkanyflowers weren’t okay?

“I’daccept weeds that you picked off the sidewalk.It’ssweet, but really unnecessary.”

Hecontemplates my words for a second as he places the remaining stems in the jar. “Italways made my mom and sister happy.AndIlike seeing you smile.”There’sthat delightful blush. “I’vedecided getting you flowers is a new clause in our agreement.”

Alaugh bubbles out of me. “DoInot get a say?”

“Nonnegotiable, sorry.”Fromthe quiver to his lips, he’s holding in a smile.