Page 20 of Just One Moment

ButIam awkward.I’mnot confident.Isay the wrong thing the majority of the time.Andthe only wayIcould ever get someone likeQuinnto be with someone like me is if it’s fake.Quinnis so far out of my league.Ifshe somehow manages to convince people she could be interested in me, she deserves a standing ovation.

Grayisn’t a color you find in the rainbow and there’s a reason for that.



Thebakery closed an hour ago,andJohannahas been sitting gawking at me for five minutes sinceItold her ofGraham’sproposal.

It’sa good thing there were no customers around to hear her shocked reaction.Shutyour fucking mouth and shove it up your buttis not exactly the best way to promote a serious business.

Fromthe look onJo’sface, there are a million thoughts churning through her brain.

I’veonly thought about one thing since he dropped the bombshell on me yesterday.Whichis a weird sense of dissatisfaction in finding out he wants to date me as a ruse.

Iam in no way looking for a boyfriend, yet somehow, when he made it clear this was for mutually beneficial arrangements, it hurt.Withoutsounding cliché, he’s very different from most guysI’vedated in the past, and there’s something more to himIhaven’t quite nailed down.

Sure,Ihave the opportunity to find out what that is, but this sudden pullI’mhaving toward him needs to be nipped in the bud, pronto, orIrisk making a fool of myself.

Finally,Jospeaks. “Thisis very un-Graham-like.”

“Howso?”Itake a sip of my sauvignon.It’saSaturdayevening, so an impromptu wine night was on the cards.Especiallyafter yesterday’s turn of events.

“Well, for one this whole fake dating thing screamsBooth, soIcan’t imagineGrahambeing the mastermind behind this plan.Helikes to keep to himself.EvenbeforeJennacame into the picture, he’s been quiet, reserved.Noneof us would have him any other way, andI’vealways hated how people misinterpret his behavior for something it isn’t.”

Themention of his ex makes my blood boil. “Evenher name makes me angry.”

“Mm-hm,” she hums around the rim of her glass. “Inever liked her.Overthe years, she somehow made him more introverted and unsure of himself.Ihave no idea how they lasted as long as they did.”

“Werethey ever happy?”

Shesighs. “Iwasn’t here for the last five years of their relationship.Patricktells me they basically coexisted.Grahamis so many things; kind, attentive, faithful.Shetook advantage of those characteristics.I’venever seen him so…detached.Notfrom his friends or family, but from himself.”

Myheart drops.Hisex clearly did a number on him.Ifound it surprising he had to ask someone to be his fake date.He’sfascinating, sweet, and extremely handsome.Anywoman would be lucky to go out with him.

“Doyou think he wants her back?”

“God, no,”Jogasps. “Ione hundred percent believe him when he says it isn’t about that.PatandBoothhated her.Florencecouldn’t stand her.I’mnot even sureTedliked her.Clairewas always friendly but that woman isn’t stupid.”Sheleans in, leveling me with a serious look. “Honestly, knowingGraham, he wouldn’t ask just anybody.”

Akernel of satisfaction glows in my chest at that. “I’mgoingto help him,”Ideclare, squaring my shoulders likeJois going to talk me down.

Aknowing smirk plays on her lips. “I’mglad.I’mgreat and all, but you could do with another friend.”Sheflicks her long hair over her shoulder. “Nomatter how fake it is,Ithink you’ll be good together.”

“Oh, lord.Themeddling has already begun,”Itease.




Myeyes fly open, andIsit upright in a heartbeat.

Oncethe brain fog clears,Irealize those noises are not from the depths of my deep sleep.

I’mgrateful to be woken up from that specific dream—or nightmare.Arecurring scene from the weekIleft home, as vivid and raw as the real thing.Smashedglass.Cigarettesmoke.Theradio blasting.Blindingpain.Pitchblack.

“Ugh, not again.Youcritters are cute, but not at two in the morning,”Igrumble after squinting at the time on my phone screen.Draggingmyself from the cocoon of blankets,Isleepily stumble toward the door.Theother week,Iwas woken up in the middle of the night by similar noises and found a family of raccoons scratching at the back plates.Ihave no idea what they thought they’d find in the engine, but luckilyIhaven’t seen them sinceIshooed them away.