Page 83 of Just One Moment

“Well,Iwouldn’t have it any other way.Iremember thinking back to that evening and feeling valued and listened to.Youwere sweet.Aftera few months of you walking past the bakery and not coming in,Ijust assumed you were being polite.”

“God,I’mthe biggest fucking idiot.I’msorry if you doubted my feelings for a second.Ididn’t thinkIever stood a chance with you.”

“Whywould you think that?”Myhands run down his biceps, enjoying the soft feel of his sweater against my fingertips.

“We’reso different.You’reyou andI’m…me.”

“WhywouldIwant you to be anyone else?”Ishuffle closeruntil there isn’t a sliver of space between us. “Ilike your quiet thinking, because it calms my chaotic thoughts.Younever hesitate to help the people around you.Youlove your family fiercely.Yourserious face is so handsome, but those smiles you save are my favorite.Youdon’t judge; you listen.Youractions speak volumes, and they tell me you’re one of the greatest menI’veever met.”

There’sa glow in his mossy-green eyes, a lightI’venever seen before.Alot like hope.

Whateverit is, it disappears when his lips crash into mine and he wraps me up in his arms.

KissingGrahamis a sip of warm apple cider.It’slike sinking into a bubble bath after a long day.Thewarm rays of sunshine when they first hit your face.

It’sexactly like coming home.

“Nomore.”Hesighs into my mouth before running his tongue along my bottom lip.

“Nomore what?”Itug his sweater out of his waistband, and he sucks in a breath whenIskim my fingers along that line of hair leading south.

“Beingsomething that we’re not.Thisis real.It’snever been fake for me,Quinn.Nota single moment.”

Carefulof his glasses,Ipull his sweater over his head. “Canyou do something for me?”

“Anythingfor you.”

Heslowly unbuttons my shirt and groans when he reveals the black balconette bra underneath.Iagree, because my tits look fantastic in it.

Ialmost lose my train of thought when he sucks and licks the tops of my breasts, the tip of his tongue toying with the lace edges. “Fuckme likeI’myours.”

Agasp slips from my throat when he bares his teeth and bites down on my peaked nipple through the sheer material.

“Haven’tyou realized yet?Youare mine”Hekisses a path upbetween my cleavage before stopping at the base of my throat. “You’realso going to be my undoing andIcan’t wait to fall apart with you.Now, lose everything.Iwant you writhing on my lap.Needto see every inch of your glorious body whenIfuck you.”

Ifgetting naked was anOlympicsport,I’dwin gold.Grahamwould place third, because he kept getting distracted every timeIremoved an item of clothing.Ireturn to his lap where there isn’t a stitch of clothing between us.Goneis the fear that he doesn’t like what he sees, because he looks at me likeI’mgoing to be his first meal after months of starvation.Heatfloods between my thighs when he fists his hard cock as he looks me over.

“You’resoaked for me already.Ican feel it,” he groans. “Ireally want another taste, butIneed to be in you.Now.”Hepushes me back slightly to run his knuckles across my wet center, pulling a throaty moan from me when he brushes against my aching clit.Ichoke on a gasp at his next move though.

Grahamspits into his palm and grips his length, coating himself, all the while keeping his eyes locked with mine.I’malready rising to my knees, craving the feel of him.Iwant to be the last woman to ever see this side of him again.

“Hurry,”Iwhimper asIhover above him, but just asI’mabout to lower myself, he squeezes my waist.

“Condom.Letme get one.”Hegoes to move but my words stop him.

“You’rethe first personI’vebeen with in over a year, andI’vebeen tested.I’mon the pill too.”

Hisbreathing increases as he lets whatIsaid sink in. “I’mthe same.Well, minus the pill.”Welaugh but it dies when my knees begin to wobble. “Onlyif you’re sure though?”

“Idon’t want anything between us.”

Whateverelse we had to say gets lost in a chorus of moans and gasps asIslowly lower myself.Hishand strokes my thighwhile he grips the base of his cock with his other.Iforgot how big he was, and it takes a minute for me to work my way down his length until my ass rests against his thighs, hitting me so deep my toes curl.

Hishead falls back whenIrotate my hips, trying to ease the intense pressure building in me.Thetaut muscles in his neck are so tempting andIlean forward to run my tongue over them.

“This.You.Incredible.”Fullsentences are a thing of the past.

Heraises his head and kisses me with fervor as he slowly starts to rock us together, thrusting up each time our hips kiss.