Page 105 of Just One Moment


Thetearsfrom whenIsaw the fresh paint job have since dried, but new ones streak my cheeks whenIopen the sliding door to my van.

Rickyshowed me the new parts under the hood, andIaccepted his word that it was fixed.Ishould have asked some follow-up questions, butIwas too eager to see inside.

“Oh,Graham.”Myvoice cracks with a sob.“Istill can’t believe he did this.”

Johannastands outside whileIturn into a blubbering mess.

Thecabinets have been painted in an off-white, brightening the small space.Thefaded green vinyl flooring has been replaced with a dark-oak-effect laminate.Smallspotlights decorate the ceiling.He’sbeen in the van a handful of times, yet he’s managed to transform it into my very own vision.

“Actsof service is definitely his love language.”Jo’seyes shift to the left, biting her lip as she looks at me. “Youshould check out the bed.”

Idrag back the partition curtain he’s had installed to reveal a brand-new mattress.Goneis the old, lumpy one.I’dcannonballon top of it if there wasn’t a bouquet of yellow dahlias and a crisp white envelope with my name on it sitting in the center.

“Ishe here?”Igasp and turn toJo.

It’sRickywho answers.Poorguy witnessed my whole breakdown. “Hecame by this morning and dropped that off.”Henods toward the items on the bed.

It’sbeen one day sinceIleftGraham’sapartment.Jowas adamantIcould stay with her andPatrickfor as long asIneeded, but ifIwasn’t withGraham,Iwanted to be within the familiar surroundings ofNelly.

Whenwe first took my van to the garage almost two months ago,Iwas so sad to say goodbye.Thiswill always be my first home.I’mhoping that after this time apart, my new one will be with the man who gives me flowers like it’s going out of fashion.

Mybutt hits the mattress with a bounce, and my finger traces over the neat, block lettering. “HaveImade a mistake?”

Jojoins me, wrapping me up in a hug. “No.Idon’t think either of you saw yourselves ending up here, but time apart might be good.”Withone last squeeze, she stands. “I’llmeet you in the truck.Takeyour time.”

Ibring the arrangement to my nose.Dahliasare mostly fragrance-free; it’s his scentI’mtrying to get a whiff of.

Withshaky fingers,Iopen the envelope.

Hi, honey,

Howwas your day?

I’msadIcan’t hear you tell me all about it.Ihope you found something to make you smile today.

Youprobably don’t know this, but it’s been 250 days since we met.Evenduring the daysIwas too nervous to talk to you, seeing youthrough the bakery window made my days better.Gettingto know you likeIhave these past two months has been the best time of my life.Ican’t promiseI’llstop spoiling you with gifts, but not to make you stay.Itwill be because your smile brings the sunshine to the darkest of places.

Ihated thatIwas stormy gray while you were sunshine yellow.Sodifferent.ButnowIsee it’s not the flowers, rain boots, or even the cakeIfailed so miserably at that has you loving me.Youchose me.Isee howImake your smile shine brighter.Makethe melody of your laughter ring sweeter.Youturn to me for comfort when things don’t go as planned.

Whenyou look at me, you see me.

Itfrightened me to death to think you’d wake up one morning and see me differently.Ihadn’t realized how muchJennahad torn me down.Shefound it so easy to throw me aside andIwas terrified you’d eventually see what she did.Losingyou isn’t somethingIwould recover from andI’msorry for letting my fears take control.Ishould have trusted you like you trust me.

Justone moment is all it took.Andevery single moment after that has helped merealizeIdon’t have to be someone different.

Foryou,Iwant to be me.

Ourdifferences are what makeusbeautiful.Thankyou for seeing them whenIcouldn’t.

There’ssomething in the envelopeIwant you to keep next to your heart during this time.I’mgoing to try.Notjust for us, but for me.

Ilove you so much.

