It’s not enough, though.

Not for the long term.

Pushing up from my chair, I make my way through the maze of desks and head to the floating staircase. I take the steps to the gym on the fourth floor two at a time. I’d seen Kynan a little while ago, and he’d said he was on his way there to work out.

Since my return to Jameson two days ago, Kynan has been fairly hands off with me. Basically, he’d reiterated he was glad things had worked out—meaning my absolution of murder charges from as high up as the president—and that Barrett was safe. He’d said he was glad to have me back. That if it hadn’t been for my idea to push Scavino into contacting Munford, we most likely would not have found Barrett in time.

It had helped to hear that. Helped to alleviate my guilt over letting her get captured in the first place.

He’d done something that had surprised the shit out of me then.

Clapping a hand on my shoulder, he’d leaned in and said, “Cruce… if you want to stay here at Jameson, you’ve got to do something for me.”

“What’s that?” I’d asked.

“You need to admit—and truly mean it—that you know Barrett’s kidnapping wasn’t your fault.”

He’d stunned me so much I’d actually jerked away from him, but he clamped down hard on my shoulder to hold me in place. “Barrett’s kidnapping was the kidnapper’s fault. In part, Barrett was even at fault. She sent emails out when she’d been specifically told not to. Once they had her location, there was no way you could have withstood that type of strike, even if you’d known it was coming. You did nothing wrong.”

I’d just stared.

“Barrett was at fault,” Kynan repeated. “And Lord knows… that woman paid tenfold for it. No one deserves what she had done to her, but you don’t deserve to have the weight of that on you either. So I’m telling you… if you want to work for me, you better absolve yourself of that shit and do it fast.”

Yeah… his words had given me pause. I’m still unsure if I should give them full credence. The depth of my feelings for Barrett won’t seem to let me pawn this off on her. I’m the man. I’m the strong one. I should take the blame for her and myself.

Regardless, it’s not what I want to talk to Kynan about right now.

In the gym, I find him at the squat rack, loading plates on the barbell. He hears me come in, spares me a glance, and says, “What’s up?”

“Got a minute?” I ask as I wind my way through the equipment.

“Sure,” he replies. He snags a towel hanging on the rack, then swipes his face with it.

When I reach him, I take a deep breath and let it out. “I hate to do this… but I think I’m going to have to turn in my resignation.”

“Jesus fuck, Cruce,” Kynan mutters angrily. “I thought I told you to let that shit go. It wasn’t your fault, and—”

I shake my head, holding my hand up to silently cut him off. “It’s not that. I hear what you’re saying about it being on Barrett for sending the email, but that’s not why I’m here.”

“Then what is it?”

“She’s in D.C.,” I say. “It’s her home, and well… I can’t really ask her to come to Pittsburgh. I think her work is far more important than mine, so I’m thinking I want to move to D.C.”

Kynan huffs out a breath of dismay. “And what will you do there? If you go back to the Secret Service, you could end up anywhere, although, admittedly… the president would probably give you a plum assignment or something to keep you there.”

“I hadn’t really thought about it that much,” I say truthfully. “Only that while I love this company and the people here, I don’t think Barrett can have her career here. So I’m going to have to go there.”

Kynan cocks his head thoughtfully, then his eyes light up. “What if I made your job a little more mobile?”

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Well, missions are geographical, so whether you two were based here or in D.C., you’d have to travel if you stayed on at Jameson. But otherwise, you could live out of D.C. and travel here as needed. It’s not ideal, but fuck, Cruce… I don’t want to lose you. You’re a fantastic addition to our team.”

I hadn’t even thought that what he’d just offered could be possible. There’s such a unique camaraderie at Jameson, and the bond between the team members can’t be discounted. Still, if it lets me keep the best of both worlds—Barrett and a job I really like—then I could make it work.

“I appreciate that,” I say, sticking my hand out. He gives it a rough shake before returning to the squat machine.