Regardless, we have a sanctioned FBI crew going in with us as backup here from D.C., and I’m praying to God she’s close by. Everyone is gearing up while Bebe multitasks on two computers. She’s working on hacking Scavino’s records while also setting up the back end of the wiretap for the Scavino Sting.

That’s what we’re calling it anyway.

I’d have preferred to send Carnes in there an hour ago when I came up with this idea, but not only did Carnes need prepped, Bebe also had to get everything set up exactly right. She has to not only monitor what Scavino does, but she also needs to intercept any outgoing calls he might make. She’s in a delicate position of needing to identify the person Scavino will call if Carnes can spook him appropriately, pinging the physical location, then stopping the call from actually connecting. If Scavino alerts the person he calls that their operation is in jeopardy, they’re going to have plenty of time to kill Barrett and dispose of her body.

This will all boil down to just how good Bebe’s skills are, then it will be up to Jameson to move in for the rescue. I only hope to fuck Barrett’s somewhere close by because while she’s alive only as long as she keeps a hold of her secrets, every minute that ticks by puts her more at risk of giving in. The thought of her being exposed to all means of vile torture techniques has kept my stomach locked in a painful clench and my chest aching with sadness.

I can’t lose her.

“Deep thoughts you got going on there, brother?” Saint asks as he comes up to my side, clapping a hand on my shoulder. I give a last glance at Carnes as an FBI agent removes the cuffs so they can start to wire him up to listen in on his conversation with Scavino.

I shrug with a nonchalance I don’t feel at all. “Just worried about the timing of all this. Bebe can’t let that call connect. And I hope to fuck Barrett’s close by so we can move fast to rescue her.”

“We?” he asks with his eyebrows rising.

“Yeah… we,” I reply emphatically.

“You were just shot,” he says with quiet concern. “I think it’s best—”

“—for you to keep your fucking mouth shut,” I growl. “I’m going, and that’s that.”

Saint knows when to back down from an unwinnable fight. Smiling, he raises his hands up in surrender. “Understood. But you’re taking this very personally.”

“Barrett was under my watch,” I say. “Of course it’s personal.”

“Shouldn’t be that personal,” he points out.

“What do you mean?”

Saint moves in a bit closer, lowering his voice. “I’m just saying… you look more than a little worried. In fact, you don’t look good at all. I’m thinking that’s got little to do with your gunshot wounds and everything to do with a brainy, sexy scientist.”

I blink in surprise. How can he tell there’s something deeper in my underlying concern? I felt like I’d been keeping things pretty close to the vest.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I mutter. And wait a minute… had he just called Barrett “sexy”? What the fuck?

I glare, but he’s not buying it. In fact, he smiles in a way that tells me he understands more than I’d ever give him credit for.

“You fell for her, didn’t you?” he murmurs.

I want to scream in denial, but I can’t. Why would I ever deny someone as amazing and wonderful as Barrett?

“Yeah… I fell for her,” I admit, rubbing hard at the back of my neck. Then I glance over at Kynan where he watches Carnes as he’s wired up. “Think he knows?”

Saint grins. “Oh yeah… it’s pretty obvious.”

“I’ll hand in my resignation after we rescue Barrett,” I mutter, knowing there will be consequences.

Pulling his chin inward, Saint asks, “Whatever the fuck for? You didn’t do anything wrong.”

I frown. “I fraternized with a client.”

Saint snorts. “First… if what you were doing was ‘fraternizing,’ then dude… you got to work on your moves. Second… did it compromise Barrett’s safety?”

“No,” I admit. “If anything, I gave it more effort, and it pisses me off it still wasn’t good enough. I let her get taken on my watch, and I’m not sure if I even deserve her.”

“Well, that’s something between the two of you. I suggest we rescue her first, then you can worry about that.”

“Agreed,” I reply stiffly, putting my head back in game mode.

“We’re ready,” Kynan says as Carnes stands from his chair. He looks like he’s about to throw up. Kynan turns to one of the Secret Service agents. “Can you get the president?”

The agent nods in acknowledgment, pivots on his heel, and leaves.

Kynan moves to stand in front of Carnes, dipping his head to get closer to him. “You good on how to play this?”