I groan again, this time in discomfort as he hits knot upon knot, but also with relief because I can feel them releasing.

“Okay,” he says, hands moving from my shoulders and going under my armpits. He hauls me out of the chair, then gives me a tiny push toward the hall that leads to the master suite. “That’s it. Go get a bathing suit on. You’re going to take a half-hour break—at a minimum—and we’re going down to the beach. I’ll give your entire back a massage, then you can lay on a towel and watch me fish for our dinner. How’s that sound?”

“Like heaven,” I admit as I face him. “And usually a luxury I never let myself have.”

“Why do you work so hard?” he asks, his head tilted in curiosity. “I mean… I get putting in a fifty- or-sixty-hour workweek to anyone who’s dedicated, but you work anywhere from ninety to a hundred. Why?”

My brow furrows. “Because I love what I do. I get immersed. Lose track of time. Isn’t that why anyone spends so much time doing certain things?”

“No,” he replies firmly with a slightly sad note. “Most people don’t do what they love. They watch the clock, and they can’t wait to stop for the day. They dread going in to work in the mornings. You’re lucky, Barrett, to do what you love.”

“Do you love what you do?” she asks.

“Well, I did when I was with the Secret Service,” he says, then his smile turns sly and calculated. “This job is a little too new for sure, but I can’t say spending the afternoon on the beach with a beautiful woman in a bikini is a horrible job perk.”

Laughing, I give him a mock, chiding glare. Then I sober instantly as I realize something. “Sorry… no bikinis. In fact, no bathing suits. Your packing job was shitty, and you didn’t bother to pack me one damn bathing suit.”

“I could call Samuel to ask him to bring some over,” he replies thoughtfully, but then I see a metaphorical light bulb go off over his head. “Or rather, just wear one of those fancy lingerie sets I threw in there. God knows you had enough of them. They’re no more revealing than a bikini would be.”

I stare, my jaw dropping slightly. Some of them are way more revealing, as in the lace and silk are extremely see-through.

But some aren’t.

Some would work. He’s quite right they have as much—or rather just as little—cloth covering the important parts.

Besides… I’m on an isolated island, running from kidnappers and dependent on this man to protect me. I’ve already developed a level of trust with him that I’ve not had with most people in my life. I don’t think I’d feel a lick of insecurity or awkwardness in wearing my underwear in front of him.

Funny what having someone save my life and continue to protect it can do in that regard.

“Okay,” I say with a wink before turning on my heel. “Bra and panties it is, but only half an hour on the beach. Then I’m coming back in to work some more.”

“Don’t forget sunscreen,” he calls. “There’s some in the bathroom.”

“Got it,” I say without breaking stride. “But you’ll have to do my back for me.”

I swear, I think I actually hear him groan in response.CHAPTER 13CruceI’m not exactly sure when the semi-nerdy scientist started looking not so nerdy anymore. I imagine it was the evening I’d escorted her to the president’s state dinner.

But right here and right now—as Barrett walks back into the living area—is the moment she goes from semi-nerdy scientist to the sexiest woman in the entire world.

She chose a baby-blue matching bra and panties in a satin material. Her breasts are fantastic… heavy and testing the strength of the straps. The satin is thick enough to shield her skin, but not so much it can hide her nipples popping against the material.

Those fucking panties, which cut high on her hips and low on her flat belly, have me dying to know just how much of her ass is going to be shown. I know it’s going to be as beautiful as her front view.

No, I wasn’t thinking straight when I packed for Barrett. I just threw as much shit in the suitcase as I could. Yes, I’d known I was pulling handfuls of stuff out of her lingerie drawer without really paying attention to it.

And no… I didn’t know she’d need a swimsuit. Had no clue we’d be hiding out on a tropical island.

But as I watch her saunter my way, I’m thankful as fuck I didn’t grab a bathing suit or two and that Barrett apparently has an appreciation for fine lingerie. Also, incredibly grateful she doesn’t seem to be shy.

It’s only after I focus on Barrett’s face that I realize my eyes spent a little too much time on her body parts. Her cheeks are flushed, her arms coming almost protectively over her stomach as if she’s trying to hide from me.