As if he knows exactly what I need, Cruce presses his hand to my lower back as a means of support. Silently, his gesture tells me he has my back.

“It’ll be just like a vacation,” I tell my uncle with a short laugh, which comes off sounding fake and forced. He knows I don’t do vacations, and that sitting around doing nothing will drive me crazy. I have to hold myself back from leaning into Cruce, wanting more than just the calming presence of his hand.

Uncle Jon snorts. “You relaxing is hilarious. But without the distractions you have at your office and lab—with nothing but time and quiet—I predict you’re going to finish that formula in no time at all.”

I sure hope he’s right. The sooner I can get it done and into other people’s hands—to where it’s no longer a secret—the sooner I can return to my regular life.

“I’ll do you proud,” I assure him.

He’s silent a moment before he says, “Honey… you’ve always done me proud. There’s nothing more you need to do. Just stay safe and know your aunt and I love you very much.”

“I love you both, too,” I say, my voice choking.

Eyes concerned, Cruce pulls the phone from me. He brings it to his ear, then says, “Sir… we’re getting ready to leave. Kynan will keep you up to speed, but you won’t be hearing directly from us until the threat has been neutralized.”

I can’t hear what my uncle says in return, but whatever it is, it’s long winded. I imagine it might involve pleas to keep me safe or maybe even threats. He’s the president of the United States and has power in his words, so it could be anything.

Whatever it is, Cruce gives a tight smile as he replies, “You have my word, sir.”

And then he disconnects.

Bebe holds her hand out, and Cruce places the satellite phone in it. She puts it in a black, waterproof case, then holds up a small black box with a USB plug on the end. “This is a high speed, satellite Wi-Fi hotspot. It’s encrypted but, as you all know, nothing is guaranteed.”

“We’ll only be using it if she finishes the formula, then we’ll send it to multiple recipients for redundancy,” Cruce says, placing it in the box. He turns to me. “Otherwise, we stay offline.”

“But it’s encrypted,” I point out.

“We take no chances, Barrett. We’re laying low, and you’ll do what you can without access to the outside world. With luck, Kynan will figure out who this is, and we won’t be there long, okay?”

“Okay,” I answer reluctantly. While most of my work comes from my own brain, I often need to look stuff up. I was able to download all the reference materials I might need to a hard drive, but something could come up that stumps me. If that’s the case, then this could turn into a long, boring vacation.

Although, I can think of worse ways to spend down time than on a beautiful, private tropical island with a gorgeous man. And I wonder if Joslyn is right.

Is there something there?

After all this is over, should I look at it closer?

I’ve never had a meaningful relationship before. Nothing more than casual, meaningless sex.

I immediately dismiss that notion about Cruce.

The man is anything but casual and meaningless, but I can’t tell if I’m observing him through a filter. Our meeting is anything but normal. We’re getting ready to go on the run, and we’ll be looking over our shoulders constantly. Under those circumstances, how can I even trust anything at all?CHAPTER 11CruceMarjorie Island is just over four nautical miles northwest of Virgin Gorda, and it takes us only about fifteen minutes to make the trip by a boat Saint had waiting. We could have chartered someone to take us the short distance over water, but I don’t like being trapped and Brad Murdock apparently isn’t a boat man, so one isn’t available at his private island.

I’ve got plenty of boating experience so it was the best choice to rent this twenty-five-foot May-Craft, which would also lessen the amount of people who would know exactly where we were heading.

Admittedly, I’m carrying a bit of tension as I wait for the Jameson team to find the root of all this trouble—that being the exact person or organization that wants Barrett. The longer it takes, the greater the chances said person or organization is going to make a better play for her.

The first grab-and-go plan was very unsophisticated. Whoever was behind it had no clue Barrett had private security protecting her.

But that doesn’t mean this group is unsophisticated as a whole. It might only mean they tried the easiest plan possible. However, now they are aware she’s being protected, they could easily come after her with more firepower, so to speak.