“Or maybe he’s not really attracted to me at all, and he only used that as an excuse,” I point out, zeroing in on what’s truly bothering me.

“Now, that’s simply not true,” Joslyn says confidently. She stands, nabs a pair of yoga pants, then methodically starts to fold. “I’m telling you… I saw something on his face when he first brought you up here. It was a level of care that went above and beyond the expected worry about your safety. Trust me… I have good instincts when it comes to these things.”

“Well, it doesn’t really matter,” I say, taking a stack of folded clothes and placing them in the suitcase. “Like he said, we’ve got more important things to worry about right now.”

“Maybe it’s something you two can resume when it’s all over,” she suggests, handing me a stack of t-shirts.

“Barrett,” Cruce calls, his voice coming from the front door. It startles me so badly I jump, wondering if he’s been inside the apartment listening to us. I didn’t hear the door open.

“Back here,” I force out, my voice squeaking. Joslyn furrows her brows, but I shake my head.

Cruce walks in… and why is it he seems a thousand times more attractive now that I know how he kisses?


“You about done?” he asks, raising an eyebrow at my suitcase.

“Yeah,” I reply flatly, placing the last stack in and zipping the case up.

“Well, come on into the kitchen,” he says as he pivots away from us. “Bebe’s going to demonstrate how to work the satellite phone, and I want you to know how to do that.”

Joslyn and I follow Cruce into the communal living area. Kynan, Saint, and Bebe surround the long kitchen counter. Bebe punches buttons on a rectangular phone.

When I come in, Saint gives me a slow once over. He grins, then gives an appreciative whistle. “Looking mighty beautiful this morning, Dr. Alexander.”

I’m shocked by his brazen flirting. I look no different than I do any other day, except my hair is maybe a little tamer. Even though I feel my cheeks start to pinken, I flash him a return smile, lifting my chin a little. I hadn’t realized how badly Cruce stopping that kiss last night had bruised my ego until Saint’s obvious admiration washed over me.

I peek at Cruce, who is not even trying to hide the glare he has leveled on the other man. Saint pays no mind, grin only widening as he deliberately winks at me.

Cruce takes my hand, pulling me with him to the opposite side of the counter. It puts me opposite Bebe, so we’ll have a good view of her demonstration. Cruce stands ridiculously close—our arms brushing every time either of us even minutely shifts—yet I can’t find it in me to complain.

“Okay,” Bebe says as she twists the satellite phone toward us so we can see the face. It looks surprisingly normal—only a bit thicker than a regular smartphone. Other than that, it’s quite compact. It has a stubby antenna on top. The phone’s surface has a small digital screen with four icons—SOS, Messages, GPS, and Tracking.

Bebe quickly but efficiently explains the phone’s functions, making sure to stress the most important. SOS. “If you hit that button, we’ll immediately send in a strike force hard and fast.”

“And if we need to call someone, we just dial it like we would a regular number?” I ask.

Cruce answers my question by taking the phone, then punching in a number. When he hands it to me, I eye him questioningly.

He mimes for me to put it up to my ear, and I’m surprised when my uncle Jon’s voice echoes through. “Cruce?” he says with worry.

“No, it’s Barrett,” I say as my eyes stay locked on Cruce. He’s letting me say goodbye to my uncle before we leave for the island. I flash him a grateful smile. “We’re just testing out the new satellite phone we’re taking with us.”

This morning, Cruce said my uncle had been notified about us going off-the-grid, but he hadn’t been told where. He is not in the sacred loop—the sole members being the people in this kitchen.

“You’re going to be just fine, Barrie,” Uncle Jon says in a deep, gruff voice. “I have every faith Cruce will keep you safe while the rest of Jameson discovers who is behind this and puts a stop to it.”

“I know,” I reply, voice shaking slightly with emotion. While I’m confident Jameson will do their best by me, there’s still a chance the lurking danger will end up crashing into my reality in more than an abstract way. That fact tends to sit at the forefront of my mind, especially since I lost my mom to a violent crime.

I’d be a fool to deny I’m a bit scared.

I am scared, and I’m going to let caution guide my actions. Following Cruce’s orders quickly and to the tee will be my only priorities until they can find these guys.