Tugging her hips until they were pressing into him, he couldn’t keep from grinning. “That depends. Did you just refer to me as the love of your life?”
He didn’t miss the momentary panic on her face, and he definitely didn’t miss the moment she shrugged it off, either. “Oneof them, McBride. Don’t let that head of yours get too big now.”
How the hell did he get this lucky? Not only did she love him back, but it was looking a lot like she felt it just as deeply as he did.
Cody walked Cat backward until her legs hit the bed, his eyes never leaving those pools of blue as he lowered them both onto the mattress. He was back where he belonged. In between those luscious legs.
“Is there a reason you’re wearing a bikini top and not a bra, kitten?”
“Laundry day.” She fluttered those long, thick eyelashes at him.
“Let me guess...your lack of clean clothes has something to do with you spending the past two weeks in my bed?” And what a couple of weeks.
“Maybe. Or maybe I just need to go lingerie shopping. Wanna come with me?” She squirmed beneath him, knowing very well what she was doing to him.
“Hell yeah I do, but that’s a whole other conversation. One we’ll come back to in just a moment.”
Her mouth was on him now, her tongue trailing down his neck until she reached the crook. As soon as her teeth sank into him, his head tilted back on a groan.
Ask her. Before you get to the point where you can’t form a sentence.
“Move in with me,” he rushed out.
The unholy sucking on his neck came to an abrupt stop and she was back to staring at him. “What did you say?”
“Move in with me,” he repeated. “I know it’s only been two months. Trust me, I do. But I fucking love you, sweetheart. And I meant what I said back at Little Rock—I’m gonna do everything in my power to keep you by my side.”
“I...” She paused. “It’s been two months,” she reiterated as he felt his heart sinking. “I know you said that already, but it bears repeating. I love you, Cody, I do. It’s kinda scary how much, to be honest. But this is a big step, not just for you and me but for Dylan too.”
“He loves you, too,” he reassured her. “He wants you here as much as I do.”
“Even so, I don’t want us to rush into anything. Especially not if there’s a chance we could fuck something so good up just ‘cos we couldn’t wait a few months.”
He understood. He really did. But that didn’t make the rejection sting any less. She was right. As always. He would do anything to ensure he got to keep this woman, including waiting.
Letting out a sigh, he let his nose nudge hers. “Okay, kitten, I hear you. We’ll put a pin in it for now. But please think on it, yeah? Whenever you decide you’re ready, then I want you here. In this house. In this bed. In mine and Dylan’s life. Forever.”
Luckily, she didn’t think him a madman. That was made clear when she reached up and lay the softest kiss on his lips.
“Make love to me, Cody McBride.” The words brushed against his mouth and sent fire shooting through his veins.
Capturing both her hands, he pinned them above her head. He would do more than make love to his woman tonight. He would worship her.
Today, Cody was taking Cat riding. Not just Cat though, like he’d originally planned. No, a whole load of people were currently on their way to his parents’ ranch.
There was Jack, of course, who he still needed to make time to get to know better. Dylan would be there too, but would likely be glued to his grandparents the entire day. Libby and Zach were coming as well, along with Zach’s friends from work: Hunter, Benny and Luke. And let’s not forget Rachel, who was friends with Cat and Libby.
Why am I doing this again?
As he parked up on the gravel drive, he couldn’t quite remember the reason. It started as a way to give Cat a fun day and a little more time for her to get to know his parents. Then Jack turned up, so naturally he was invited. Then Zach heard about it, and it spiralled from there.
His family ranch was small in comparison to the one his friend Zach grew up on, which wasn’t too far away. Unlike his friend, Cody’s family business was small. His parents used their land to board horses and offer riding lessons. It was the reason he loved riding so much, something he was pleased to be sharing with Cat.
With dirt crunching beneath his boots, he made his way up to the main house. His dad already in sight as he rocked his chair back and forth on the white wooden porch.
Greetings exchanged, his dad rose and gestured for him to go inside.