Page 32 of Cop-Off

“I thought guys hated hearing about other guys?”

“Oh, I do. It’s like having my skin peeled off. Trust me. But it’s been on my mind, and I think I’d just rather know.”

Cody lost Cat’s body heat as she pushed up and out of his hold. He couldn’t help himself, his gaze roamed down to her bare chest.

Lord have mercy.

When he met her eyes again, her expression said it all. She was not impressed.

“I’m not about to give you a rundown of all the wankers I’ve ever dated, Cody. Why don’t we skip to the part where you tell me what the hell is going on?”

Pushing up against the mattress, he righted himself until his back was to the headboard. He then reached for her hand and pulled her back into him. This would be easier if he wasn’t looking into blue fire. As soon as she was back in his hold, her head on his chest, he let it all out.

“Remember when I told you there hadn’t been anyone since Ellie?” He felt her nod against him. “Well, the thing is, there was no onebeforeher, either.” There. He’d said it. Put it out there.No turning back now.“I guess because I don’t have a lot of experience...I’ve been feeling a little insecure. Shit. I sound like a fucking pussy.”

Cat’s head was up and in his face, her delicate hand pushing against his chest. “Hey, stop.” He swallowed down the lump in his throat. “You think that makes you a pussy? Seriously?” She didn’t wait for his reply. “Hate to break it to you, McBride, but in the real world that makes you the holy fucking grail.”


“You heard me. You think a woman wants to be with some manwhore who has the emotional intelligence of a two-year-old? Hell no! We want a real man. And you, honey, are it.”

Cat lifted one leg over his body until she was straddling him. Her hardened nipples scraping against the smattering of dark hair on his chest, pulling a strangled groan from his throat. His hands had a mind of their own and went straight to her ass, squeezing the plump flesh until she was squirming above him.

“I swear to God, you’re gonna be the death of me, kitten.”

“But what a way to go.” She winked, flashing him a devilish smile before sinking into him.

What a way to go indeed.


Cat was running late. Really late. Even after she’d expressly promised Zach that there was no possibility of her turning up late on such a special day.

“What the fuckity fuck?” Great. She was talking to herself now. The first sign of madness.

As Cat emptied the last drawer in her bedroom, she threw her hands up in defeat. This could not be happening. How do you run out of bras?They are a goddamn essential item, for crying out loud!

She supposed going back and forth from Cody’s so often might have something to do with it. When she’d shoved her laundry in the wash earlier, she couldn’t quite believe how big the pile of dirty clothes had gotten. Ever since her sleepover two weeks ago, she’d practically moved in with Cody and Dylan, only coming back to the apartment for clean clothes. And now she’d finally run out.

Slumping onto her bed, her shoulders sagged.Think, Cat.She hadn’t packed any swimsuits, so that idea was out.Unless...

Excitedly sprinting back into the living room, she pulled out one of her yellow storage boxes she kept on the shelf and began rummaging.

“Ah-ha!” She waved the Nicolas Cage novelty bikini top that Libby had bought her as a joke.

Mr Cage and her would be getting well acquainted today.

Rushing back into the bedroom, she made quick work of putting on her makeshift bra and pulling a vest on over it. She was ready. Finally. Just as she shoved her phone and keys in her jean pockets, her apartment buzzer went off.

Who the hell is that?

She was meeting everyone there. Unless Zach had hunted her down specifically to berate her for her time management skills. But that was a long shot. Buzzing whoever it was in, she darted back through the living room and over to the front door.

As she swung the white wood door open, for once in her life, she was speechless.

“Hey, sis.” Jack casually draped himself against her doorframe, sports bag in hand and a nonchalant expression on his stubbly face.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” she blurted, even though she had a clue.