Page 30 of Cop-Off

Okay. That might have gone a little too far. It didn’t stop Cody from laughing though, before coming to her rescue.

“Hey, guess what I got us for dessert?” he chirped. “Ice cream! Cookies and cream. Wanna help me clear the table and I’ll crack it out?”

“My favorite!” Dylan jumped out of his seat.

Thankfully, kids were easily distracted.

“Yep, come on. The sooner we clear up, the sooner we can have some.”

Cody slowly got to his feet too, making sure Dylan was busy clearing up before bending down to place a soft kiss on Cat’s cheek.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart.Even Ididn’t see that coming.”

She managed a shaky smile.

Shit.He was fucking this up.

He looked over at Dylan, who was placing plates on the kitchen counter in the far corner of the room.

“Hey, bubba.” Dylan’s eager eyes met his. “We’re gonna eat dessert in the living room tonight. Why don’t you grab an ice cream cone and we’ll be there in a minute.”

His son’s face lit up as he scrambled over to the freezer. When it came to ice cream, you didn’t have to ask him twice. He was running out the door seconds later.

Cody’s backside hit the wooden chair next to Cat as soon as his son was out of the room. He dragged the chair even closer until her legs rested in between the V shape of his own.

“I really am sorry,” he repeated. He didn’t know what else to say but he knew he needed to fix this. “I’ll speak to him.”

Her dainty hand went to his thigh. She no longer looked freaked, thank God. But he could still see some wariness flickering in those big eyes.

“It’s okay, Cody. Seriously. It’s only natural for him to be curious and start asking questions. I was just caught off guard, that’s all. I’ll do better next time.”

Un-fucking-believable.She never ceased to amaze him. And humble him.

“Sweetheart, you know you didn’t do anything wrong, right?”

She hesitated, plunging the knife further into him. “I-I should have...” she trailed off, hopefully realising there was nothing she should have done differently.

His hand covered the hand she’d placed on his thigh and squeezed. “You’re fucking amazing, do you know that?”

“I’m really not.” Her head was shaking now. “I’m so out of my depth it’s not even funny.”

“Wanna know a secret?” He entwined their fingers together now, her touch grounding him. “I have no idea what I’m doing most of the time. You’d think after nine years I’d have this whole parenting thing down, right? But no, I’m winging it. Like everyone else. Trying my best not to fuck up. There is no manual that comes with a kid and I’m telling you now, no amount ofparenting blogs can prepare you for when your son comes up to you and asks why God decided to take his mommy away from him.”

Maybe that was too much information, too soon.

He waited for a pitying look. Or for her to avert her eyes. But neither of those things happened. Instead, she looked straight into him, her thoughtful gaze pulling at heart strings that ached in his chest.

“You’re the amazing one, Cody. Not me. I’m not gonna even pretend to know what you’ve been through, but I’m telling you now, you’re an incredible dad. Dylan...he’s a good kid. He’s happy all the time. Smart as hell. And most importantly, he’s kind. That’s all you. You did that. Whatever you’re doing, you’re doing it right.”

And there it was. The feelings he’d been fighting with since they’d met, making themselves known as his ear drums pounded. It was too soon, he’d told himself. Too soon to feel it and definitely too soon to say it. But there was no use denying it any longer. He’d fallen in love with this woman. And he’d fallen hard.

He needed a hit. Just to get him through. Instinctively dropping his forehead against hers, he inhaled the crisp notes of citrus and let his nose brush against hers.

“I don’t fucking deserve you, but that doesn’t mean I’m stupid enough to let you go. We’ve got something, haven’t we? Something good?”

Cody felt the word “Yes” fan across his lips.

“Say you’ll be mine? Make me the happiest man in the world and tell me I have the right to call you my own. My woman.”