Crouching down on the ground, Cat opened her arms to greet him. “Hey, D!”
Dylan fell into her arms, and after a rather half-hearted hug, he ran back inside. Luckily, she didn’t take offence. That seemed to be the nature of their greetings now. Quick hugs. Faster exits.
She’d been back to full height mere seconds before Cody was giving her his own kind of greeting. An almost too gentle kiss while maintaining a gentlemanly, but firm grip on her hips.
It was over too soon. But Cody didn’t move. His head remained dipped even after he’d released her. “How is it possible that no matter how many times I kiss you, it never feels like enough?”
Okay, maybe my libido will come out to play after all.
“Maybe I’m doing it wrong.” Her lips began to tip up.
Cody’s forehead came to rest against her own, giving her another hit of his unique, bergamot laced scent. “Not possible, sweetheart. If anything, it’s tooright.”
It was good to know she wasn’t the only one feeling it.
“Dad!” Dylan shrieked from back inside, making them both smile.
“I guess it’s time to eat.” Neither of them made an attempt to move. Cat certainly didn’t want to go anywhere.
“I guess so.”
Two hours later, Cody was tucking Dylan in while Cat was exploring the living room. She hadn’t exactly had time to look around last night.
The room was what she’d expected: big comfy leather couches, a man-size wall-mounted television and a permanentlyhooked up game console. She was currently in the corner of the room scanning the bookshelves.
Other than an array of children’s books and some trinkets, there wasn’t much else. Her eyes naturally went to the photo frames first. But there were no pictures of Ellie. It was odd. Even odder was the fact Cat was dying to see a picture of her. Probably because the unknown had always scared her. She was the kind of woman who needed information upfront before making any sort of decision.
Yeah, because information gathering was definitely at the forefront of your mind when you were tearing the buttons off his shirt. Twice.
“Hey.” Cody’s deep voice had her head whipping around. “You find anything good?”
“You mean other thanMy First Big Book of Space? No. Not unless pulling on one of these books opens up a secret door?”
Letting out a short laugh, Cody closed the distance between them and took hold of her hand. “How about you just ask me anything you want to know?”
Leading them both to the couch, she was surprised when he pulled them both down and arranged her on his lap.
“This is weird,” she announced, not being able to stop herself. “I don’t know how to do this.”
“Sit on my lap?” He chuckled.
“Yes. I mean, no. I mean, yes. All of it. I mean, what is this? Are we dating now? I know I sound super insecure and clingy but that’s the way you’re making me feel and honestly...I’m not used to feeling like this, so I’m freaking out.”Jesus Christ, stop talking.“But at the same time, I know it’s complicated. Not just because of the unconventional way we got together, but there’s also Dylan to think about, too.” She finally took a breath, just in time for the mortification to set in. Back was the word vomit.
She buried her head into Cody’s shoulder. At least this position was good for hiding her shame.
She felt his fingers trail freely up and down her back. “I know it’s a lot. I feel it too. And I know we maybe started off badly and did things in the wrong order, but that doesn’t mean it can’t work.” Lifting her head, she was struck by the sincerity in his stare. “I want this, sweetheart. I’m all in. Don’t doubt that. But you have to understand...Dylan and me, we’re a package deal. You gotta tell me now if that’s something you can handle or not. Because honestly, he’s already getting attached.”
She should tell him now. The truth. There was a child involved; she owed it to him. But the words weren’t coming easily. Or coming at all.
With every second that passed, she could see the disappointment on Cody’s face start to spread.
You can’t run forever.
It was true. She couldn’t. And Dylan wasn’t the only one getting attached.