Page 13 of Cop-Off

Dropping his head, he breathed her in one last time and whispered into her hair, “Let’s get you home.”

“Okay,” was her quiet reply as he regretfully untangled her legs.

Slowly, he helped to tuck her into the truck seat and buckled her up, laying another kiss on her before he circled the vehicle.

The cab was no less charged as he started the engine, but it was the silence that was worrying him. He could already feel Cat pulling away. Her gaze was averted and directed out of the window into the darkness. He needed to do or say something before she got lost in her head.

Like what? You haven’t exactly thought this through, either.

Blowing out a breath, he shot her another glance. She was fiddling with the hem of her dress now. Looking unsure. Uncomfortable. That wasn’t like her. She was the most confident woman he’d ever met. Seeing even an inch of frailty was unnerving. So much so, his insides began to twist. Had he done this to her?

Fuck. I basically forced myself on her. What was I thinking, dragging her out like that? And then practically humping her in full view of the whole town. What the hell is wrong with you, McBride?

He felt sick. Suddenly, he wished she’d go back to screaming at him. He deserved it.

“I’m so sorry, sweetheart.” Even his voice was full of remorse.

Cat’s head snapped his way. Without even looking he could feel those blue eyes narrowed on him. “What?”

“I’m sorry,” he repeated. “I was out of line back there. Carrying you out of Casalingo, forcing myself on you, letting the—”

“What the hell, Cody!” she squawked. “You think I’dletyou force yourself on me? What planet are you living on?”

It felt damn good to hear her mock him. This was what he needed. Fire. And she wasn’t done.

“Cop or no cop, I’d stab you in the eye with these heels before I’d let youforceanything on me, McBride.”

He could feel his smile trying to reach his ears. This woman. She did something to him. Something he’d never felt before.

Maybe you’re a masochist?

Maybe. What other explanation was there? Their fighting was their foreplay. Why else would his blood heat with every shot she fired?

“I’ll keep that in mind, kitten.”

“You do that, McBride.” She huffed as she crossed her arms.

As he pulled up to her apartment, he already knew he couldn’t just let her walk away. She seemed to be on the same page, not blinking an eye when he helped her out of the truck and walked her up the stone path, his hand hovering over the small of her back.

He waited for her to open the front door and followed her inside. The second door to her apartment was unlocked next, and his heart kicked up. Neither of them was saying anything, but he knew she could feel it too. The ever-present electrical current shocking them into submission.

Cat stood in the open doorway, peering at him over her shoulder, a look on her face he couldn’t ignore.

“Kitten.” It came out as a warning. One she probably needed.

She simply turned, her whole body facing him now, her chest brushing against him. Those pouty lips wet and parted, challenging him.

Challenge accepted.

Surrendering to the sparks, their mouths collided just moments later, her back arching as he pulled her into him and walked her backward. His mouth never left hers, even as he kicked the door shut. Alternating between biting and tasting, he devoured every inch of her, getting drunker and drunker on her moans. But it wasn’t enough.

Pushing her against the wall, one hand went to her neck to hold her in place while the other went straight for her ass, plumping and squeezing until she was swallowing his growls. Damn, her body felt just as good as it looked.

Cat’s hands were exploring too, attacking his shirt until he was pretty sure he heard a rip. But who the hell cared?Fuck this shirt.He released her ass and helped her push the shredded cotton off him. Seconds later, her nails were digging into flesh and his mouth was back on her, prying her lips apart. Begging for more.

Gliding up the satin, his hand finally found the zip on her dress. Yanking it down, his fingertips trailed down the silky skin that was now exposed, tearing another growl from the pit of his stomach. She helped him shimmy the dress down, not allowing their connection to break. Instead, her teeth latched onto his lower lip and bit down, the pain only making him crazier.

As his hands got their first unobstructed feel of smooth skin, the urge to see won out over his need to taste. Unlocking their lips, his head dipped down to take in the view. A lacy red bra burned his retinas.