Page 10 of Cop-Off

His feet were moving before he could make sense of all his chaotic thoughts. With every step he took, she stumbled back until he had her crowded against the wall. His hands went to either side of her head, boxing her in.

“That’s what you’re angry about? How funny your goddamn jokes are?”

Her chin shot out, angry eyes narrowing on him. “No,Deputy Dick, I know I’m fucking funny. What I don’t know is why you took it upon yourself to police my damn dating life?”

“I told you why.” Even he could hear the intensity tinging his voice. “Did I not make myself clear last night? No one fucking touches you but me. Understood?”

He felt her shiver vibrate against him, a shaky breath stinging his lips. She was just as turned on as he was.

“I’m not playing your goddamn game, Cody.” Those heavy breaths told him otherwise. “You shut my profile down, fine. It doesn’t matter anyway. I snagged myself a cowboy the old-fashioned way.”

Heat spread through him like wildfire. Twenty-four hours after having his hands all over her, his tongue inside of her, she’d really gone out and found herself a date? Seriously?

“That better be another one of your jokes, kitten.”

“Do I look like I’m joking?” she challenged.

“What part ofno one elsedon’t you understand?”

“What part ofits none of your damn businessdon’t you?”

“Who is he?” Cody seethed, his blood going straight from a manageable simmer to boiling all over the fucking place.

He watched her hesitate for a second. He even saw her gulp. “What, so you can sabotage that as well?”

“Tell me,” he demanded. He was not messing around anymore.

“His name is Wade. I believe you know him?”

Wade Evans? Zach’s brother.Jesus Christ.That’s how she’d snagged herself a cowboy. His dumbass best friend had set her up.

Letting out a string of curses, he didn’t miss the smug smile spreading across Cat’s pretty face. “You enjoying this, kitten? Is driving me insane fun for you?”

“I could ask you the same question.”

He blew out a long breath, more than aware it was sinking into those parted pink lips of hers. What he wouldn’t give to taste them again. Those lips were worth the crazy. The head-fuck. And the all-out shouting matches.

“Don’t go.”

“What?” Even her whispers were wobbly. She couldn’t deny what was bubbling between them.

“On your date. Don’t go.”

“Cody ...” she started but didn’t finish, those bright orbs avoiding his gaze for the first time since she’d burst into his office.

His hand left the whitewashed wall and went to her. Using just his knuckle, he nudged her delicate chin up toward him. “Look at me, kitten.” He waited, and even as her eyes fluttered closed, he waited some more. “This thing between us ... it’s not going away. How long before what happened last night, happens again?”

Her eyes finally opened, fierce determination sparkling in them. “Forget about last night, Cody. I’m serious. Wipe it from your memory ‘cos there’s no way in hell it’s gonna happen again. This is done.We’redone.”

A shove to his chest forced him back. She was in the doorway just moments later. Her hair whipping around one last time. “And stay the fuck out of my love life.”

Well, that could have gone better.


It was Friday night, just a few days since Cat had stormed into his office and all hell had broken loose. Still, it felt like it was yesterday. He was no less pent up and no less frustrated. If anything, things were much worse. He’d been out of his mind with jealousy since he’d found out about Wade. Even Dylan had noticed. And that wasn’t good.

“You gonna be a good boy for Mrs Molly tonight?” Cody gave Dylan’s hair a ruffle.