How did he even know about said yahoo?
“Have you lost your mind? Let go of me.” She tried in vain to shake her arm loose from his grip.
“Don’t make me get out my cuffs, kitten,” he warned.
“Don’t make me shove them up your arse, Satan.”
Seconds later, she was unceremoniously lifted off the ground, legs ferociously kicking, as he carried her across the dancefloor. Cody used his back to push open an ominous black door and walked them through.
As soon as he’d placed her back on the ground, her arms were swinging. “What the hell, Cody? What is wrong with you?”
She managed to get a good few arm punches in before he reacted. And when he did, she was not prepared for her body’s reaction. His hard body backed her into the door. Using just one of his hands, hers were yanked above her head and pinned in place. She couldn’t move. But the most shocking thing of all, she didn’t want to.
“There’s no way in hell I’m letting you ride any motherfucking cowboy, do you hear me?” Even in the shadows, she saw the switch in his demeanour. He wasn’t playing around anymore.
“And why’s that?”
“You wanna ride? You come to me.”
If those words had been spoken to her any other time, she’d be laughing in his face. But right now, her body was literally begging her to take him up on that offer.
She didn’t know whether it was the breath tickling her lips, the feel of his big body pressed against her or how damn sexy it was when he’d pinned her hands to the door. But one thing was for sure, a part of her wanted him. Badly.
She realized then as their breathing became heavy, she hadn’t replied. Which seemed about right. She could barely think, let alone speak.
Their eyes never left each other as their mouths gravitated closer. All she could hear was the sound of her heartbeat pounding. And it was out of control.
“Tell me now if you don’t want this.” His testosterone drenched words hung heavy in the air.
Was she really doing this? Was she really going to cross over to the dark side?
His mouth hovered above hers, brushing her lips and pulling back. Over and over again. Tormenting her.
With one quick move, she had her answer and he had his.
Her teeth tugged his lower lip as she took what she wanted. What her body was begging for. They skipped the soft and gentle and went straight to urgent and intense as they both fought for control. He pried her open and was tasting every inch. And she was biting back. Every lick and nip killing off another brain cell.
Although she was restrained, Cody was certainly making use of his free hand as she felt it drag up the curve of her waist, all the way up to just below her chest. His thumb brushed back and forth until it hit bare skin and pushed under her cropped vest. He didn’t move further, though. Not under her bra or anywhere else she wanted to feel him.
Her body thrashed in response, Cody swallowing her whimper as she pushed into him. She wanted more. She wanted everything he promised. He seemed to understand and pushed his leg between her thighs. Hard. A roar ripping through him as she moaned into their kiss.
Cody McBride was driving her insane. Again. Only this time, she welcomed the crazy. She was basking in it. Enjoying every ounce of pleasure that he was giving her as flames danced in her belly.
His mouth drew back slightly, and she thought for a moment he was going to stop. Pull away. That was until the thigh he’d wedged between her legs pressed into her again, the pressure wrenching another moan out of her.
“You like that, kitten?” he drawled against her parted lips. “Is that what you want? Me between those sexy as hell legs?”
Yes. God, yes. Please.
But she didn’t get to say that. Or feel it. Because seconds later, the squeaky bartender was back. And she was shrieking.
“Uh, um, excuse me, sir? Um ... the stock room is for employees only. I’m gonna have to ask you and your friend to, uh, return to the bar.”
Cat’s brain finally made an appearance. It was still very clouded and extremely sexually frustrated, but it had awoken nonetheless, and it was currently releasing her hands from Cody’s grip and wasting no time in pushing him backward.
“Sorry, Stace.” Cody grinned, his honey hue eyes still firmly on Cat. “We got carried away, didn’t we, kitten?”
And back was the rage.