Page 50 of Cop-Off

When Cat woke up she wasn’t in her bed at the Beach Bum B&B. She was in a bigger, comfier bed. With much better sheets.

Cody’s bed.

Turning over, it took only a second to realize that Cody wasn’t next to her. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she scanned the room. The bathroom door was shut, the faint sound of a shower stream seeping through the wood.

I need to make this right.

Her slightly hungover brain hadn’t forgotten the conversation they’d had before she passed out. Those switches his words had flicked back on might as well be flashing neon. But the real question was, how on earth was she going to make this right?

Sex? Men love sex. Sex in the shower? Genius.

Before she changed her mind, she was flinging her clothes off as she scrambled out of bed, leaving a trail of cotton on her way through the bathroom door.

Not wanting to alert him just yet, her movements were quiet. Peeking into the shower cubicle, she couldn’t help but smile as she got an up close and personal view of Cody’s arse. God, it was a good arse.


Being less quiet now, she pulled open the glass door. After all, the goal wasn’t to give him a heart attack.


To her delight, the look of surprise on his dripping face quickly transformed into unbridled lust as his gaze dipped below her neck, taking in the view of her very naked and now wet body.

“Hi,” she cooed, already feeling her nipples tighten under the molten heat of his stare.

“What’s going on, kitten?” His voice was thick. She could tell by the razor-sharp edge to it that he was fighting to keep control.

“Why did you really fly out here?”

His eyebrow raised. “Don’t you get it yet?”

She did. But she needed to hear him say it.

“Goddamn, woman. I say it and you don’t listen. So, I try and show it and it flies right on over your head. I can’t win, can I?”

“Maybe say it slower and louder...with pictures? Or maybe some puppets?”

Oh dear, that sigh told her everything she needed to know. Time for plan B. Or just plan A with less jokes.

Her hands were on him now, grabbing each side of his torso as she drifted closer, letting her body brush up against his. Soft against hard.

“Kitten.” Another warning. One she didn’t need. “You need to tell me what you want right now.”

As soon as her wet body slid against him again, he let out a groan. A guttural one, sounding like it was pulled fresh from his soul.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Her tongue went to his throat, where she began licking up droplets of water.

Another rumble and Cody was clasping her biceps and peeling her off him. “Not until I know you’re mine. Not until you come back to me.”

She thought that was exactly what she was doing. So much for actions speaking louder than words.

He needs to hear it. Say it.

She hesitated, her throat closing up, suddenly nervous.

Just do it. Tell him.

“I-I never stopped being yours,” she rushed out. “Never. Not for one second. I told you I loved you, Cody, and I meant it.” Her heart beat almost as hard as the water splashing against her back. “You not giving up on us, coming here, looking after don’t know how much that means to me. How much I needed it. How much I needed you. I know I don’t deserve you, but if you give me a second chance, I promise to spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel as loved and as special as you make me feel.”