Jack ordered, paid and after passing him his drink, Cody was once again following him. He was led up some stairs to amuch emptier and quieter part of the bar. One where they could actually hear themselves think.
“There’s always space up here.” Jack explained, taking a seat. “Most people prefer to be downstairs. In the thick of it, so to speak.”
Cody pulled up a chair at the old wooden table and joined him. Taking a big swig of his beer as soon as he was seated. The refreshing drink was welcome. The way Cat’s brother was looking at him? Not so much.
Jack had been the third person he’d called when he’d found out Cat was gone. The first call was to his parents to ask them if they could take care of Dylan. And the second call had been to his deputy to cash in all the leave he’d been hoarding.
That third call though, was the toughest. Jack was not down with the idea of him flying over there. He’d made that very clear. Too bad Cody wasn’t seeking his approval, which is what he’d told him. And here they were.
“So, what’s the plan? You gonna throw her over your shoulder tomorrow and go on your merry way to Gatwick airport?”
If he could get away with it, that would definitely be his plan.
“Look, man, I know we haven’t known each other very long but if I get my way, one day we’re gonna be family. Which is why I’m trying my best to keep things respectful. Maybe you could do the same?”
“Jesus Christ, she knows how to pick ‘em.” Cody watched on as Jack shook his head. “Last time I checked, my sister left you. How would you react if you were me? Your sister’s ex flying over to another country, showing up unannounced...crashing her dad’s funeral. Are you honestly telling me alarm bells wouldn’t be ringing?”
Okay, when he put it like that, it did sound bad.
Before replying, he took another drag of his beer. “You ever been in love, Jack?”
Jack scoffed. “No, Cody, I haven’t. Is this where you enlighten me and start quoting love songs?”
“No love songs, but I am gonna enlighten you.”
Jack was the one gulping down his drink now. Only after giving him an eye roll hard enough to compete with Cat’s.
“Life is never gonna be smooth sailing all the way. There’s good, bad and fucking ugly. I get that. God knows I’ve experienced more bad and ugly than anything else. But being in love, that’s the good. That’s the thing that makes it all worth it. It’s what keeps you strong through the hard stuff. This, right now. This is the hard stuff. If I gave up on Cat when she needed me the most, what kind of man would I be? I love her, Jack. I’d walk to the ends of the earth for the woman. You really think a few thousand miles is gonna keep me from her?”
He could feel Jack’s scrutiny seep into his skin. Cody let him look his fill. He had nothing to hide. Everything he said was the truth. Cat hadn’t left because she didn’t love him or didn’t want to be with him. She left because she was in pain. Because she didn’t think she was enough, or worth waiting for. That, he could work with.
“Okay, fine. I’m not gonna get in your way. But I swear to God, if you hurt her...I don’t give a fuck if you’re a cop or not. I’ll hunt you down and give you another taste of ugly.”
Cody simply shrugged. “I’d expect nothing less.”
After leaving Jack, Cody went straight to bed. Jet lag was a real son-of-a-bitch, and he didn’t have time to be tired. He woke up the next morning knowing that today was the funeral. Today was the first day of many when he needed to be there for his woman.
Checking his reflection in the mirror, he took a deep breath. He had on a black suit, white shirt and no tie. He hadn’t been this dressed up since the deputy’s wedding. He’d even managed to control his hair that was badly in need of a cut. Dark circles below his eyes were still very much there, though. Mocking him.
Squeezing his eyes shut, he imagined Cat’s beautiful face was right there, staring back at him.
I hope to Christ I’m doing the right thing.
He reminded himself again that today was not about him and not even about their relationship. He was not going to convince Cat to give him a second chance or to declare his love. He was going to support her the way she needed. To show her he had her back. Always.
Stuffing his phone, wallet and room key into his pocket, he headed for the door. The hotel he’d found was within walking distance to the church where the funeral was being held. Since he didn’t have a car, he’d purposely made sure he was staying as close to Cat as possible, which meant he was only a five-minute cab ride to her mum’s house, too.
Two flights of stairs later, he was nodding to the hotel receptionist as he exited through the double doors.
The walk gave him time to think. To plan. And to go over all possible scenarios in his head. It was the bad ones that were at the forefront of his mind. What if Cat freaked out? What if his presence upset her more? What would he do? Just the thought tore up his insides.
His footsteps slowed as the church came into sight. It sat on the corner of a busy road, parked cars lining the street along with a lone tree, which was almost as tall as the spire sat opposite it. He could already see mourners beginning to trickle through the ornate wooden doors. He wondered if Cat was inside yet. If she was doing okay.
Get your ass inside and find out.
But he didn’t do that. Instead, he came to a stop and pulled out his phone, shooting Libby a quick text to find out if they were inside yet. She was the only reason he had been able to sleep at all, knowing Cat had someone to look after her until he got there.