Cat must have snapped a hundred photos on her phone already, but the moment her friend said yes and dropped to her knees too was probably the best of the lot. Zach hadn’t even managed to put the ring on her finger before they were kissing like it was their last few seconds on earth.
Looking like they weren’t going anywhere anytime soon, Cat took a break from her photography duties and laced her fingersthrough Cody’s big hand. Standing on tip-toes, she stretched up until her mouth hovered over his ear.
“I love you too, Cody McBride. With all my heart.”
His head turned before her heels hit the ground again and he captured her mouth with a growl.
“I guess I’ll be taking the pictures then.” Faintly, she felt Jack pry the phone out of her hand, allowing her to wrap herself around Cody and hold on tight.
Goddamnit, she loved this man.
It felt unnatural leaving Cody after declaring their love for each other. But that was how life worked. With good, there was always bad. And the bad she’d been running from had literally turned up on her doorstep. There was no ignoring it anymore. She had to face her brother. Which was why only Jack had returned to her apartment with her. The man she loved would have to wait.
“So, you have a boyfriend now?” Jack passed her a mug of coffee.
She didn’t reply until he’d settled comfortably in the armchair across from her. “Cut the shit, Jack. What are you doing here?”
Her brother took a sip of his drink, holding her gaze. Unlike her, he’d inherited their mother’s eyes. A greeny-blue that switched just as often as the light. Right now, she could only see dark green pigment as he gave her that look. The one that said she knew exactly why he was here.
“Dad’s not doing well.” He sighed. “It’s only a matter of time now. I get that you’re upset but I don’t want you to make a decision that you might one day regret.”
Cat tried her best to keep her composure, reminding herself again of why she’d come here before replying.
“So what, you came to take me home? You want me to go back and wait for him to die before I start living again?”
“Fucking hell, Cat, talk about being dramatic.” Her brother shook his head before pushing fingers through his messy shock of black hair. “No one is asking for you to put your life on pause. Just come see him, Cat. Say goodbye. It’s the very least that you can do, whatwecan there for him, for his last few months.”
“He’s gone, Jack. He’s been gone for a long time.” She leaned forward on the couch cushions, as if pleading her common sense would work. “And as for no one asking me to put my life on pause, that’s bullshit, and you know it. What do you think I’ve been doing for the last few years? Who made sure Dad ate every day, huh? Took him out for walks so he could see the light of day? Made sure he brushed his damn teeth? It wasn’t mum and it sure as shit wasn’t you.”
Years of frustration was building up inside her, threatening to explode all over the place and make one hell of a mess.
“That’s not fair, Cat—”
“No,” she cut him off. “What’s not fairJackis you coming here and making me feel guilty for trying to start living my life again. Especially when you have no fucking idea what I’ve been through these past three years. ‘Cos if you did, you’d be happy for me. Happy I no longer wake up every day crying. Happy I’ve only had one panic attack in two months.” She noticed her brother becoming paler by the second, but she wasn’t done yet. “Happy I feel like I can finally breathe again. And most of all—happy I found a man who I love so much it hurts, and he loves me back just as much.” She was out of breath by the time she’d finished speaking. But she couldn’t deny how good it felt to say everything out loud.
Jack’s cup was on the coffee table now, his head in his hands. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
More guilt. Hitting her straight in the gut.
The truth was, she had no right to be angry at her brother because he hadn’t known what she was going through. Because she hadn’t told him. Or her mum. For very different reasons. Jack worked long hours in the city and was barely around. Her mum was barely around in another way. She’d checked out. Had been checked out ever since her dad was first diagnosed.
Guilt and overwhelming sadness started to churn again.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean...” Her mug joined his on the coffee table, giving her a free hand to rub her temple. “Look, I didn’t tell anyone. Even Libby doesn’t know to this day. I was trying to be strong but it got to be too much. I can’t go back there, Jack. I can’t do it anymore. I can’t pretend that it doesn’t tear me apart every time I look him in the eye and know he has no idea who I am. It hurts too much.”
An avalanche of tears had now broken free and were gushing in what felt like a never-ending stream. In the next moment, her brother was up and out of his seat, perching beside her and pulling her into his arms.
“It’s okay. It’s gonna be okay,” Jack soothed.
Was it?She could only hope that he was right.
“Is that Nicolas Cage?” Cody eyed the strangest bikini top he’d ever seen.
Cat’s beaming smile was enough to pull his eyes away from her chest. Just. “Yes. The other love of my life. You jealous?”