Page 2 of Cop-Off

Her friend’s guilty expression said it all.

Seriously? What the hell did I do to deserve this?

“We thought while we unpacked Zach’s stuff, you and Cody could drop your things off at the apartment.” Libby bit down on her lip, guilty green eyes trying their best to avoid Cat. “And maybe you two could use the time to ... work out your differences?”

Cat’s scowl went from Libby to Zach to Cody. Satan, of course, was loving every minute. A smug grin resting on his stupid bearded face.

“What do you say, kitten, wanna learn to play nice with me?”

What she really wanted wasn’t safe to repeat. Deciding no one deserved a response, she stomped toward the back of the van, not-so-accidentally shoving Cody’s shoulder as she passed him. The movement just enough to make him stumble.

Yes, it was childish. But he never failed to bring out the brat in her.

Being the bigger person was overrated anyway. Cody wasn’t exactly making her want to try, either, as he strode up beside her, chuckling.

“What’s wrong, kitten?” Taking the box out of her hands, he flashed her that pearly white smile again.

God, she hated it when he called her that. Which was exactly why he did it.

He was on the receiving end of her meanest glare. “Are you seriously asking me that?”

He just laughed.Dick.This was a classic example as to why nothing was ever going to change between them. And there was no point trying.

“Yo, Cat, Libby said you’re on some dating app? Why didn’t you come to me? I already told you, I’ve got loads of friends I can set you up with.” Zach began pulling boxes from the van and setting them on the grass.

“A dating app?” Cody finally took off his shades. All so he could give her a rather judgmental frown.

“Don’t,” she warned, before he had a chance to make one of his lame jokes. To her surprise, it worked. He was quiet. For once. Passing Zach over another box, she tried her best to be polite. “No offence, but no thanks.”

“There’s a lot of weirdos on those apps, darlin’,” Zach continued. “Wouldn’t you rather go on a date with someone who’s already been vetted?”

“Zach, don’t get me wrong, you’re a nice guy and everything, but going by theonefriend of yours I’ve already met” – her eyes were back on the demon – “it’s a hard pass.”

She rolled her eyes as Cody’s big hand covered his chest, pretending to be hurt, as if he had a heart. She knew better.

“You’re breaking my heart here, kitten. I thought we had something? I even went out and bought some extra string for you to chase. Now would I do that if I didn’t care?”

Lord give me strength.

Ignoring the Prince of Darkness, she looked back at Zach, who was fighting a smile. She didn’t say anything. She didn’t need to. One eyebrow raise was enough for him to nod and say, “Okay. Point made.”


The drive over to the apartment was no less tense. Not that she had thought it would be. However, for once it wasn’t the tension radiating off her setting the tone. Turns out, Cody could dish it out just fine, but when the tables were turned, he didn’t like it.

Since their first meeting had technically been when he cut her off and almost ran her off the road, she decided traveling together would be the perfect time to critique his driving technique. Let’s just say, her comments were not well received. The man was actually pouting as he unloaded her belongings.

Once they’d finally got everything inside, she thought the nightmare would be over and he’d leave.

She was wrong.

“Sorry, kitten, my instructions were clear. Help you settle in and get unpacked.” His bulky arms crossed over his chest, stretching his already too tight flannel shirt.

Was he being serious? She’d be much more ‘settled’ if the devil wasn’t dishing out digs in her new living room.

She moved toward him, getting closer than necessary, but he didn’t even flinch. Just stood there all stoic like. Staring her down as if she were one of his suspects. When she was one step away from invading his personal space, she raised her chin until they were eye to eye.

“It’s just you and me here, Cody. We don’t have to pretend to like each other. I know you don’t wanna be here. The same way I don’t want you here. So just for today, how about we stop pretending?”