Page 2 of Baked

Now that her father had found her, Hunter had decided to become her protector. Whether she liked it or not. Just the fact that he couldn’t protect her from the man’s fists yesterday was still killing him. Gnawing at his soul. When Hunter did find her, seeing Rachel shaken, bruised and scared had been the single worst day of his life. No one deserved that. Especially not his honeybun.

He’d also discovered that her dad came here for money. Money he didn’t get. Which meant only one thing. He’d be back.

“You’re right, it’s not up for discussion.” Fire danced in her eyes. “Because there’s no way in hell I’m gonna let you and everyone else treat me like I’m made of glass. I’m a thirty-three-year-old woman, for God’s sake. With a business to run! If I’d have known I’d be dealing with your damn hero complex, Hunter, there is no way in hell I would’ve called you. Believe it or not, I have better things to do than stroke your ego.”

You can stroke something. And it’s not my ego.

He could feel his lips twitch.Hero complex?That was a new one. Not as good as yesterday, though, when she’d accused him of being a wannabe knight wrapped in tinfoil when he’d insisted on escorting her home.

“I’ll be back at five, honeybun.” He turned on his heel and went back out the way he came, only allowing his mouth to tip up when his feet hit the cobbles, Rachel’s cursing still within earshot.

He’d learned long ago that arguing didn’t get you anywhere. It was a waste of breath. Not when the outcome would be the same.


Hunter arrived backat Fairy Baked at five on the dot. Rachel was not surprised to see him. She did, however, refuse to talk to him as he stood by the entrance, arms crossed, watching her go through the motions of closing up. His offer to help had been met with silence. She was pissed. But he’d take pissed—and, more importantly, safe—over scared any day.

When she disappeared into the back, he followed, not waiting for an invitation. That only seemed to annoy her more. She made sure to bang every single pan and tray on the steel topped surfaces as she rushed to put them away.

It didn’t faze him. Even the growl that escaped her sweet lips as she bent down to open the safe was darn cute.

He found himself wanting to growl right back at her when her apron was discarded. He was right again. The tank top she was wearing was tight, clinging to curves in such a heavenly way that it made him want to get down on his knees and pray to them. Rachel was a petite, womanly package he would do anything to unwrap ... with his teeth.

What kind of books are you reading? The fairy princess ends up with a prince, remember? Not the hulking giant that scares little children.

With that thought, he felt his muscles stiffen. Was he being a fool? Even if Rachel did like him back, a part of him knew deep down that she could do better. Deserved better.

“What’s that face for?” Rachel asked, effectively ending his silent treatment and pulling him out of his head.


“You’re looking at my cookie sheets like they just insulted your mama and then went ahead and kicked you in the shin,” was her unhelpful reply.

He didn’t answer. His face was enough of a reply. And she understood it, otherwise she wouldn’t have rolled her eyes like she did.

“Come on then, Captain America. Time to go.” Gathering her bag, she walked back toward the main floor.

He followed behind, his eyes glued to the sight of her swaying hips.

Sweet Jesus.

Maybe this wasn’t the best idea after all. Maybe it would be better if the guys were the ones picking her up and dropping her off.

And let Benny and Luke hit on her?

Hell no.

Zach was engaged to Rachel’s other best friend, Libby, so he knew she was safe with him. But Benny and Luke were single. And Hunter already knew they thought she was hot. It was only because of his presence, and possibly his snarl, they hadn’t already hit on her.

“Are you growling?” Her ponytail whipped around again just in time to catch him looking at her ass. And apparently growling at it.

Not a good fucking look, man.

Clearing his throat, he met her icy blue stare. “Sorry,” was all he could say before opening the door and gesturing her outside.

Her eyes followed him. Assessing. They didn’t break away until she was safely beside him on the sidewalk. Only then did he let himself gulp as he watched her pull out her keys and lock the front door.

“Where are you parked?” he managed to grind out, his throat feeling a lot tighter than it should.