That’s just dumb.
“What, so ’cause he’s calling me honeybun, it means he likes me?”
Both Libby and Cat answered with a resoundingYes.
Screw this. She was done with this ridiculousness. She needed to eat.
Rachel’s eyes wentto the giant beside her on the couch. Hunter sure did like90 Day Fiancé. Little did he know, there were like a gazillion more seasons of it.
“Obviously, she doesn’t wanna be with you. She’s like twenty years younger than you, dude!” he shouted at the television, his hand waving wildly. “Is it just me?” He turned to her then, losing some of his guffaw when he realized she was staring at him. “What?”
She knew she was smiling. It had been pasted on ever since the first episode. Seeing him so animated felt good. Like he was showing her a side of him not many people got to see.
“Nothing,” she lied. “You want some popcorn?”
He smiled back at her. Another big, goofy grin that she was still getting used to seeing. “Sure. I’ll make it though, honeybun. You just sit there and look pretty.”
He rose before she had a chance to argue. Her cheeks felt unnervingly hot.
Jesus. Is that all it takes?
Apparently so. Pep talk activated, she paused the show. She didn’t want him to miss anything. He was enjoying it way too much.
Grabbing a velvet throw cushion, she began hugging it. Cat and Libby had confused her. That’s why she was off-balance. But then again, Hunter was doing a damn good job of messing with her head too.
Maybe he did like her, just not enough to make a move. Why else would he stay away for so long?
A few minutes later, a bowl was placed in front of her, the toasty smell of warm popcorn hitting her tastebuds.
“You paused it?” Hunter seemed surprised as he bounced down next to her. This time closer. So close, their thighs touched.
“Yeah. I didn’t want you to miss anything.” Casting the cushion aside, she wasted no time filling her mouth with popcorn.
“You didn’t have to do that.” His head twisted to look at her, something unreadable hidden in his expression.
She simply shrugged. “It’s just basic manners. What kind of savage doesn’t pause a show nowadays anyway? Especially when their watching mate goes and makes them snacks.”
“Watching mate?” Amusement danced in deep brown eyes.
“Yeah. What? What’s wrong with that?” He was laughing at her. “You know, likeshipmate. Watching mate,” she repeated.
He was still laughing.
She pushed at his arm, not able to hide her own grin. She could admit when she was being dorky. It happened a lot. Her brain didn’t always catch up with her mouth.
Just as she was about to give up on convincing him of “watching mates” legitimacy and pull her hand back, his fingers wrapped around her wrist. And tugged.
He didn’t stop until her mouth was just a breath away from his, his expression suddenly turning serious.
Oh God, please don’t have popcorn in my teeth.
Speaking of popcorn, the bowl was dangerously close to falling off her lap. He must have sensed her inner turmoil, as his free hand reached around and removed the bowl, smoothly placing it onto the coffee table in front of them, his gaze never leaving her the whole time.
“Honeybun,” he rumbled.
Was that a question?