I don’t have time for it. Taking three steps toward him, I say, “I don’t have time to talk to you. Joslyn has a tracking device on her body. I will have my people send you the link once we get it. If you can send patrol cars out, that would be great.”

“I have just a few questions,” Kitchner says.

Shaking my head, I hold up a palm to stop him. “Can’t. I’m leaving now. If you want to help, get your men out there to search for her.”

He opens his mouth as if he wants to say something extremely important, but I turn my back on him and he doesn’t utter another word. As soon as I get in my car, I pull up the map Bebe sent me and take off.

Bebe has me going up Highway 154, otherwise known as the San Marcos Pass Road, which ascends the northern portion of the Santa Ynez Mountains. It’s the least populated portion of the area. If this psychopath wants privacy, this is probably my best bet.

When my phone rings, I’m startled for a moment. I see it’s Jerico calling, but I doubt he’s calling to offer sage advice or a scathingly brilliant idea on how to capture this bastard.

He’s calling to offer moral support.

I connect the call. “Are you calling to tell me everything is going to be all right?”

“I would if I could, buddy,” he says. Taking a moment, he clears his throat. “I just want to let you know I’m jumping on a plane. I’ll be there soon.”

“Nothing you can do, mate. If we find her, it’s going to have to be done quickly, before you can make it in to help.”

“I’m not coming for her,” he says softly. “I’m coming for you. I sure as shit don’t know what’s going to happen, but I’m coming for you.”

I’m beyond touched. If I’m possibly facing the worst outcome, which I dare not even consider at this point, there’s no one I would want by my side other than Jerico. “I could try to talk you out of this, but I know it will be useless and I don’t have time to waste. So safe travels. I’ll see you when you get here.”


Miraculously, it’s less than ten minutes later when my phone issues a chime, which is followed by a gloriously beautiful blinking dot on the Google map about nine miles from me.


My phone immediately rings. When I connect it, Bebe speaks with her trademark efficiency. Of course she’s on top of the fact we have found Joslyn.

“Kynan… I’ve got you on a conference call with both Cruce and Saint. Everybody’s phones are now synced up to her signal. Even though they are slightly out of range, they’ll be able to see it through your phone’s connection.”

“Saint and I are adjusting course to head for the signal,” Cruce says.

“Sounds good,” I reply. “Bebe… get up with Detective Kitchner and let him know.”

“On it,” she replies and promptly disconnects.

I’m left on the phone with Saint and Cruce.

“I’m assuming it would be a waste of breath to tell you to wait for us when you get there,” Cruce says.

“Yeah, that would be pretty stupid, mate,” I answer, and I can’t help but smile. I’m so relieved to have her signal that I’m feeling practically jubilant at this point.

“I’m going to find her,” I tell them. “And when I do, I’m going after him. If you happen to make it there in time, I’m ordering you both to stand down. Don’t try to stop me.”

There’s a moment of silence before Cruce says, “Wouldn’t think of it.”

“Saint?” I ask.

“You’re not my boss,” he says. “Not yet, anyway. But I’ll stand down.”

That’s good enough for me.

I’m coming, Joslyn.

Just hang tight.CHAPTER 28JoslynMy mountain home is beautiful. It’s nothing like I had ever envisioned having. When I thought about marriage and kids, I’d expected to live in a cute Victorian cottage with a white picket fence. Instead, I live in the rolling foothills under the shadow of the beautiful mountain city of Pittsburgh. In addition to the dog I’d always wanted, I’ve got two cats and a goldfish.

Two beautiful children as well. A boy and a girl, six and eight, and I stare at them through my office window as they run around outside with our golden retriever, Lucy.

My heart is out there—wrapped up in those kids. Miniature replicas of my husband and me.

The crunch of gravel catches my attention, and my gaze sweeps to a long driveway that leads out to a rural road. It’s Kynan’s Jeep, and my heart sings out to the man approaching.

The one who gave me my true happy ending.

I push up from my desk, taking a moment to save the new song lyrics I was working on, and make my way through the house. It’s a mountain cabin built of pine and pitch, and I love it so much. It’s the first place I’ve lived in that has seemed like a true home.