A wide smile breaks out on Kynan’s face, and he grins from ear to ear. “Are you serious?”

I nod. “I’ve never been more serious in my life.”

“Then you have made me the happiest man in the world.”EPILOGUEOne month later…

Kynan comes barreling into our apartment, and it scares me so bad I shriek. Putting my hand over my heart, I glare as I pop up from the couch. “You about gave me a damn heart attack.”

He grins, not sorry in the least, and strides right up to me. I get a quick, hard kiss on my mouth before he starts pulling me back to the door. “Come on. I have something to show you.”

We exit our apartment and he closes the door, not even bothering to lock it. There’s no need. The building at Jameson Force Security is as secure as a building can get. The other two residents, Cruce and Saint, would never steal from us. Their apartments are on the same hall but on the opposite side.

Kynan takes the staircase that runs down the center of the entire building. It’s my favorite feature about this old warehouse that’s been converted into a super-secret, subversive organization that does all kinds of sly things with the government’s approval, but would never be acknowledged as such.

I have to run to keep up with him. I’m afraid I’m going to break my neck. “Slow down, Kynan.”

He merely growls in that super-hot, alpha way, then scoops me up in his arms. He bounds down the staircase, all the way into the basement where the parking garage is. He’s extremely secretive as he loads me up in his Chevy Suburban and we exit out into the seedy part of Pittsburgh.

“Where are we going?” I ask. “New restaurant? You taking me shopping?”

“You’ll see,” is all he will tell me before he starts whistling.

“Saint and Cruce seem to be settling in nice nicely,” I say as a means to start conversation. I know if I can get Kynan talking, he might slip up and give me a hint as to where we’re going.

Knowing my plan, he’s incredibly vague when he merely says, “Yup.”

“I had lunch with Bebe and Aaron today,” I offer, smiling at how happy Bebe is now to be reunited with her family. They all live together in a small house just on the outskirts of the city. “Aaron is enjoying his new school.”

“That’s nice,” Kynan says with a grin, then turns the radio up.

I sigh with exasperation. “What the hell is going on?”

“How about you just sit back, relax, and enjoy a nice drive?”

Huffing with frustration, I throw myself back into the seat and cross my arms over my chest, vowing he’s not getting sex tonight since he’s being so insufferable.

Who am I kidding? I’m totally going to give it up to him because it’s just that damn good.

Leaving my life behind in California was the best decision I have ever made. Lynn and Harry were obviously sad to see me go. And while I am not actively working, they are still on my payroll. I never know when something good might come along, and I’m willing to consider everything. But for right now, I’m enjoying spending my time with Kynan. While he’s working, I spend my time writing music that feeds my soul. I have no clue if I will ever do anything with it, but it is making me happy right now.

Being with Kynan and starting a new life with him has become an absolute dream come true. There is no doubt he is my soul mate, and I believe the monstrous asshole called fate put Scott Carlisle in my life so Kynan and I could be reunited. I believe deeply within my soul that, in some weird way, I have a bit of gratitude toward that psychopath.

Scott Carlisle was arraigned in the Santa Barbara County court two days after he was arrested, and bail was denied. He’ll be in jail until his trial, and the district attorney promised me an easy conviction.

We head out of the city moving north, but I don’t know my way around yet. Within fifteen minutes, I’m totally lost. We’re amidst rolling hills, with the bright lights of the city far behind us.

Kynan reaches over and takes my hand in his, pulling it across the console to his mouth where he kisses the back of it.

He simultaneously turns on the right signal, and we enter a gravel road.

I have the weirdest sense of what feels like déjà vu, but it’s not. I’ve never been here, but it feels familiar.

When we come around the curve, a mountain cabin appears. It doesn’t look exactly like the one in my dreams, but I told Kynan enough about it that he came damn close. There’s a for sale sign by the mailbox.