Page 53 of Kill the Queens



Sleep never came. Between knowing that Fae were all around her and the worry that was eating away at her, Ace tossed and turned on the cot King Osiris had offered her. Rehan had slept on the other side of their shared tent, softly snoring until the sun rose and he stirred awake.

Rehan was putting his boots on outside the tent now. Ace watched him from where she was sitting curled up on a log that surrounded a small firepit. Her arms were wrapped around her legs, keeping her propped up as her eyes ached to close. Fae moved around them, their conversations either becoming whispers as they passed or stopping altogether.

"Have you stayed here with them before?" Ace asked quietly.

Rehan looked up, finally finished with his laces. Two strands of brown hair dangled in his face, the rest pulled back into low bun behind his head. "I have. Does that bother you?"

"No." She sighed and laid her head against her arms, staring at the ashes in the firepit.

Twigs and dying leaves crunched under his boots as he stepped over the log across from Ace and came to sit next to her. "You know I'm glad that I have someone like me to talk to now. Someone who can be as overwhelmed by prayers, gods, and the too much rumbling inside my head."

Ace pursed her lips, unsure of what to say. It was nice having someone who related to what she'd gone through but shecouldn't shake the way he didn't feel…well, he didn't feel like how she expected someone who had been destined for her to feel.

"I'm very lucky." Rehan continued. "I don't know much about you but I'm sure we'll make a fine pair." His eyes searched her face, probably for something Ace could never give him. "You'll be a stunning bride and more so a queen." He lifted his hand slowly, brushing back her dark hair and tracing her jaw. "You're beautiful. Do you know that, Ace?"

Her teeth sunk into her lip as she tried not to grimace. This was nothing like the way she teased Shelby or how his compliments were always laced with insults.

"My looks are not what I'm worried about," she whispered.

"You're worried about your friend." His hand dropped from her face as he straightened. Ace dipped her chin in agreement. "Yet, you are not together?"

She laughed at that. "No. He practically hates me." A smile formed on her lips as she thought about what she and Shelby had been through so far. That smile fell when she recounted the look on his face as Rehan had taken her away leaving him alone in the back of that damn wagon.

"And you still care for him?"

"I do."

His lips twitched as if he might frown but his expression remained neutral. "Do you love him?"

"Love is a big word for someone you've only known a short while." She hugged her legs a little harder.

Rehan shrugged and finally gave her a brief grin. "I've only known you for less than a day and I already know that if you'd let me I'd love you fiercely." Ace immediately met his gaze. He extended his hand. "Before we head off to kill a wicked queen, would you like to learn a little bit about your powers?"

That was it. One second, he was confessing his possible love for her and the next the subject was dropped. She set her hand in his. His hands were rough in the way that Shelby's had been surprisingly soft. Ace wasn't sure but she thought it wasn't likely that weapons created from holy fire could give someone calluses but maybe she was wrong.

Rehan helped pull her up to standing. He let go of her hand the minute she was up and had stepped away to give her space.

"Did you kill Queen Sienna?" Ace asked.

"Yes." He picked at his nails.

"Why didn't you take me then?"

The wind blew, bringing with it the smell of meat being cooked somewhere in the camp. Ace's stomach growled loudly.

"Well, you seemed busy mourning your friend—who isn't dead as I saw yesterday. I didn't think you would much like me if I took you then. But yesterday, me saving you…that's much more heroic."

"I would have probably killed you if you made an attempt to take me right then."

"You would haveattemptedto kill me. There's a difference." Rehan winked.

Ace rolled her eyes but gave him a small smile. "Teach me something and stop flirting with me."

"Never," he teased, giving Ace a smile that stretched across his face.