“You have my word. If they attack you, they attack me. But we’re hours away, Donelli. I can only do so much from there.”
“And you’ll do even more now that you have a greater chance of loss here.” He looked directly at Casey and mychest tightened. He’d played the right card—I’d kill anyone who threatened Casey’s safety and run them down and fuck her in their blood. I didn’t want to leave her here, but I was in a bind. If I took her home, Donelli would consider it a sign that I wouldn’t hold up our agreement. Plus, I had Tyson to contend with, and I was damned sure Tony was already calling him to tell him the news. Vengeance for taking Casey from him. I’d deal with him when I finished dealing with the Tyson mess.
Donelli rose. “You may want to have a conversation with your partner when you return, Mason. He about ripped my head off when I suggested Casey marry my son. I can only imagine what he’ll do when he finds out you’ve been touching her.”
“Leave Tyson to me. I can handle him.” Although I wasn’t certain I could. “I’m taking Casey with me until my plane departs.”
He pursed his lips, looking like he wanted to retort, but he knew better.
“Oh, and Donelli, if Tony touches as much of a hair on her head now that he knows she’s mine, I’ll show him just why the families fear me, regardless of my alliance with you.”
I didn’t wait for his response, turning and dragging Casey behind me. She didn’t protest, likely knowing it wasn’t the right time. She’d never seen me in a business setting, and I wasn’t one to fuck around with.
Breck opened the car door for me, and I shoved Casey in, climbing next to her as he got into the driver seat, Leo following. My other two men tailed us as we took off.
“Mason,” Casey started, but I glowered at her, not wanting to talk until I calmed down. Too much had happened both professionally and personally in that meeting, and I needed to digest it. Our secret was out, forced out into the open in an unexpected moment, and now I’d need to deal with the repercussions. Tyson was the main one, but leaving Casey hereleft her vulnerable to anyone who found out about us. Donelli’s men guarded her, but I didn’t trust his men. His hold on the territory was shaky and the only reason he hadn’t fallen was an agreement between me and the other two bosses who held territory in this province.
If either of them found out about Casey, they could turn on me and take her as collateral, just like what had happened with Riley. The thought gutted me. I’d have to leave her soon, but I was damned sure it wouldn’t be long. As soon as I worked things out with Tyson, I would bring her home, whether she liked it or not.
Chapter Fourteen
Ididn’t know what to think as the car sped down the road and Mason brooded next to me. Seeing him like he’d been with Donelli had given me a glimpse of the side of him people feared. I’d never been privy to any of the meetings between Donelli and Tyson. That was the part of this life I remained sheltered from, and I preferred it that way. I could handle interacting with them, padding their books, partying with them, but I didn’t want to be around the violence, the indifference, the killing I knew went along with it.
Glancing over at Mason, I noticed how tight his jaw was, the tension clear in the veins in his neck. He stared straight ahead. What had started as an erotic meeting earlier had turned into pieces of wreckage neither of us could repair. Our secret was out and now we would face the consequences. He would face them because I was sure he would leave me behind. Not that I could go with him, no matter how much I wanted to now that I was next to him again. I couldn’t. My life was in Armina. I looked back out the window, admitting that as much as my life was here, my heart was in Treemont, and I didn’t know how to reconcile the two.
Mason’s phone buzzed, but he ignored it, something I was certain he never did. We both knew it was Tyson and neither of us was ready to talk to him. I wondered why my phone wasn’t blowing up until I remembered my purse was still in my office. It was for the best. I didn’t want to hear Tyson rant about what we’d done. Didn’t want to hear him threaten to kill his best friend because that’s what he would do, and I knew him well enough to know that in a heated moment, he would attempt it. Tyson was hot tempered, and I imagined that was why he and Mason made such a perfect team. Mason was controlling and even-tempered, and that balanced my brother’s rash impulsiveness. But there would be no way to balance this, to assuage the betrayal Tyson would feel. Mason had crossed an invisible line Tyson had drawn without ever using the words, a code he expected Mason to follow like he followed it—our sisters are off limits.
When the car pulled in front of my apartment building, Breck opened my door, Mason climbing out the other side. The other men exited the cars, their hands ready to access their guns, their eyes combing the area. Donelli’s men pulled up, joining them. They were the same two who escorted me everywhere, my personal security team. Mason had never been to my apartment, so he nodded to Donelli’s men, and we followed. I could have led, but I knew after he’d placed me behind him at the house that he wouldn’t let me more than a few inches from him. Although I appreciated his need to protect me, this had been my life for years before he’d come back into it. I knew what to look for and I knew how to use the gun I carried in my bag…the bag I’d left at Donelli’s.
Donelli’s men took positions at each end of the hall.
“Damn,” I mumbled when we reached my door. I had nothing on me, not even my keys.
“What?” Mason griped, a frown marring his sexy features.
“I left my purse at the house. I’ll need to get the spare from Donelli’s men.”
“No, you won’t,” he replied, motioning to Breck.
“And how do you suppose we?—”
Breck had the door opened within seconds, lodging a small metal pin-like device back in his pocket as he gave me a proud grin.
“Well, aren’t you handier than I suspected,” I commented, returning his smile.
“I can’t give away all my secrets at once,” he said with a wink.
Mason’s other man walked in first, followed by Mason, his gun drawn.
“Don’t you think this is overkill?” I muttered.
“No,” Breck answered, making me wait with him. “It was a necessity when you were Tyson’s sister, but now that you’re the boss’ girl, it’s expected.”
The second man came back out, Mason motioning me in.
“We’ll be out here, boss.”