Page 45 of Forbidden Cravings

“Not yet,” Angie remarked.

Both Casey and I swung our attention to her. She had a smug look on her face, but she said nothing to expand on her comment.

Donelli cleared his throat. “Well, now that you’ve set that up so well for me, Angela, there’s no warming up the room.”

I pulled my attention from her and looked at him. He sat back, folding his hands over his stomach. I ignored the salad that was placed in front of me, my appetite suddenly diminished.

“What’s going on, Donelli? You didn’t invite me here just to have lunch with your charming family, did you?”

I crossed my arms, leaning forward in my chair.

“Always the observant one, Mason. That’s why I like you. You’re sharp and calculating, someone no one wants to fuck with.”

“So I’ve been told.”

“I’d like to fuck with him,” Angie mumbled.

“You’re not my type,” I retorted without turning my eyes from Donelli.

He let out a booming laugh. “See, that’s what I mean. You could cut glass with that glare and that tone.” He leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table. “But you slipped up, Brinks.”

I noticed the change in his voice, the way he used my last name as if we were rivals. The tension in my jaw was tight, but I didn’t let it show.

“I don’t slip up.”

“No? Then why is it Greyson Tides killed your Bad Omen?”

Fuck. This wasn’t good. “What are you implying, Donelli?”

“That you fucked up and Mason Brinks doesn’t fuck up. You let a Bad Omen into your territory and now?—”

“And now what?” I said, standing.

His brown eyes evaluated me, beady and insightful.

“Do I have reason to question your loyalty, Donelli?” I left the question to hang in the air, my eyes never leaving his. The atmosphere minutes before may have been light with only my tension to darken it, but now the tension in the room was thick. I could feel Casey’s nerves, her eyes on me. She was used to this world and the dangers it posed, unlike Riley, but she’d never seen me in it. People feared me for good reason, and if Donelli doubted that, I’d leave his territory with his head.

He knew it, but he was playing a game, showing off for his children and his men, puffing his chest out to ensure they respected him. And I didn’t like games.

“Sit, Mason. And explain to me why I’m just finding out you have a sister, one who is marrying Tides.”

I hid my shock, forcing my mouth from gaping. No one knew about Riley. She was a secret I kept safe so that no one had leverage over me. It was something Tyson should have done with Casey, but my deal with Donelli kept her safe enough.

I adjusted my jacket and sat, my posture stiff. This was a deciding moment, one that could turn the conversation if played just right.

“I keep my personal business private, and my sister is personal. The Bad Omen we were hunting forced my hand, and I needed to ensure she remained safe and unharmed if they come after me again. Having her marry Tides ensures that.”

He raised a brow. “You arranged her marriage?”

“In a way.” I’d need to talk to Tides as soon as I could before word got back to him, but I had a feeling he’d back my claim up. If he really loved my sister, he’d understand my motive for the deception.

“Smart. An arrangement like that ensures you two are aligned, strengthening your hold over the province.” He swirled his wine before taking a sip. “No one touches Tides and havinghim kill your Bad Omen sends a sign to them that he’s still not one to be fucked with. You handed him the reins and, in doing so, cemented your place in the hierarchy, just below Tides where you’ve always stood.”

“Only now, I’m on the same notch as him because my sister shares his bed.” The thought made me cringe, but I pushed it aside. I didn’t want to think of Tides touching my sister, especially at this crucial moment.

“Well played, Mason.”

“So where does that leave us?” Tony asked, shoving a piece of bread in his mouth. His uncouth hand was touching Casey again, and the anger burned through me.