Page 14 of In Charge

“What ... why ... stop ...” I could barely speak between breaths. What the hell was wrong with him? I needed him, and I knew by his hardness against me he needed me, too.

“Not yet, Maya.” The tips of his fingers pulled at the hem of my dress and slowly worked it up my hips. When his hands squeezed my bare thighs for the first time I gasped. In one quick movement, he lifted me onto the counter and spread my legs.

“Please Robbie, I want you inside me.” Thrusting forward, I shortened the distance between us until the fullness of his bulge pressed against my thigh again.

“I love to hear you beg. But the first time my dick is inside you will not be in a public bathroom.” He flicked my panties aside, and his finger slid between my legs. “Damn, you’re wet.”

My body was already so worked up, the simple touch of his finger sliding inside me rendered me powerless. When a second finger joined the first, my body pulsed, and the pressure of his fingers heightened my desire to feel all of him. I lifted my hips, hungry for more of him, and this time he was the one to moan. “I can’t wait to feel your body squeeze like that around my dick.”

“Then fuck me, and you can feel it now.” I reached for his pants again. But when he pressed his thumb against my clit and slammed his fingers deeper inside me, I lost the ability to control my hands. “Oh, my God.” I cried.

With his free hand, he gripped the base of my neck and forced my lips onto his. He buried his tongue in my mouth and his fingers between my legs. And it was pure ecstasy. I needed more of him, but the only action my body could do was grind against his thumb. And it felt fucking fantastic. Feeling the closeness of my climax, I pressed my lips tighter to his, and he covered my mouth hungrily in response. I wanted to scream with my release, but if I did, the entire restaurant would hear me. Jolts of pleasure shot through my body as his thumb took to slow circular motions over my clit. His fingers stilled inside me, but his thumb never stopped caressing me, dragging out the intensity of my release. I couldn’t take any more and I let my screams escape. He pulled me close to muffle the sounds against his chest.

He held me close until the last quiver left my body. He removed his fingers from inside me and pressed his lips against mine again, then dropped his head to my chest. “Dammit, Maya. If I’d known you were a screamer, I wouldn’t have followed you into the restroom.”

We both laughed. “Liar.”

He shrugged, put my panties back in place and lifted me off the counter. He tugged my dress down and straightened it before he pulled me in for another kiss. “Clean up, and let’s go eat that ridiculous lunch before they give our table away.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes.” He washed his hands and checked his appearance in the mirror.

“You’re just going to leave me like this and not finish the job?” I crossed my arms and gave him my best angry glare, but even I didn’t believe it.

He laughed and pecked my cheek. “I finished the job, sweetheart. Your orgasm filled my hand and then some. Now let’s go eat.”

All I could do was laugh. Yeah, you made me come alright. It had been amazing, but it wasn’t enough. Next time, I’d have to make sure to be irresistible, so he was unable to walk away without giving me more.

A chill ran down my spine at my confidence that there would indeed be a next time.