His smile turned sad as he tapped the screen to enter his information. When he was finished, he clapped Hawk’s back. “Let’s go, Sunshine. We have a lot of work to get through today. Channel some of that rage in a different direction.”
Hawk turned to Ryan, and his features softened. “Are you sure you’re all right?”
“I’m used to these dicks. Don’t I work for one?”
“More like I work for you, old man.” Hawk directed a genuine smile at his crew chief. When he turned back to me that show ofsentiment hardened, and the soft lines in his face flashed away as though it had never happened at all.
The hard line of his jaw, paired with cheekbones any woman would cry for, drew me to him. I studied his aquiline nose and wished I could brush my hand along his jaw to find out how long it had been since he shaved, find out what those bristles felt like on my skin.
Hot flush number three assailed me.
“Give me a moment. I want to speak with the Princess here,” Hawk murmured softly. Without so much as an ounce of effort he cocooned me with a sense of intimacy, though I knew his words weren’t meant for me.
He took a step forward, closing the space that had given me much coveted breathing room.
“I—uh, Hawk,” I started to back up a step, but his hand whipped out to catch my arm.
“I want the photos deleted from this morning. Just this incident.” He shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips when he opened his mouth. “I’m not taking your precious media shots. I’m sure you were up from five to catch us.”
“It was two, actually,” I huffed, shaking my head.
If I hadn’t needed the exposure that working for Benson gave me so badly to raise my own career profile as a PR rep and brand manager, I’d have dropped him in an instant. But my contract also said that if I broke it in any way and caused Benson loss of pretty much anything—income, reputation, media presence, ranking in his sport, I’d be banned from the track for life or however long Benson raced for, whichever came first. That included essentially cuckolding him by dating any other driver, pro circuit or not, and oddly enough, mentioned KC Hawking by name.
Benson wasn’t a one hit wonder. The man had fire that pushed him through each race, and when he took the rare loss.That drive was what had drawn me to him in the first place, but after observing his behavior and his dangerous new limits this morning I regretted signing that contract with stars in my eyes.
I loved motorsports, and the thought of not working with another driver for the rest of my life crippled something inside me.
We all had our little obsessions. Mine paired well with a man in a dedicated racing team leather jacket. And the driver who stood before me, far too close, was a fine specimen of the highest order.
And Benson Crantz’s arch nemesis.
“Maybe you should consider walking away from Benson. He’s an asshole.” Hawk shook his head as he checked over his shoulder, his gaze following his crew chief to where he waited outside Benson’s garage.
“Something you two have in common,” I snarked back, and sucked in a tepid sip of my remaining coffee. “I truly am sorry about this morning, but I have work to do.”
“You keep saying that.” Hawk leaned closer, until there was little air and less fabric separating us. “Maybe you should come over and work for me. I’ve heard about you.”
I titled my head back to look up at him. He stood maybe three inches taller than me, and that was in heels. Refusing to back down, I offered him a practiced smile of my own.
“Thanks, and no chance.” I held my smile, making sure it reached my eyes. A talent my actress mother had leant me.
If you lie, lie with a smile in your eyes.
As much as I hated that little gem of advice, I couldn’t deny it had served me well over the years.
Hawk huffed a laugh. “Good talking to you, Princess.” His hand darted out, winding its way around a rogue curl that bobbed over my shoulder. He gave it an experimental tug, andhis head dipped until I felt his breath on my lips. “Remember my offer if you want to exchange one asshole for another.”
Sending me an impish grin that turned my knees to water he backed up, inhaling a long breath that I echoed. He gave me a nod and turned away, striding back across the garage to Ryan. I caught his glance over at Benson, who returned the glare with equal animosity.
Thankfully, both grown men kept their antsy hands to themselves.
Hawk and Ryan disappeared along pit lane to the garage that hosted them for the season’s pre-circuit. I stared after them, my mind drawn back to Benson’s attack on Ryan despite Hawk’s flirting. Maybe I did need to check over my contract for a loophole, though it wouldn't be to work for Hawk. There was no way I could coexist effectively with that man on a daily basis. I’d as likely end up on his desk as much as working behind it, and I refused to compromise that level of integrity alongside my reputation.
I’d never slept with any of the drivers I worked for, and I wasn’t about to start now.
Besides, I couldn’t stand that particular asshole and his arrogant methods any more than I could Benson. Hawk’s barb about exchanging one tyrant for another hit home, though I didn’t see anyone crowded around Benson who had the same degree of devotion Ryan and Hawk had displayed.
But it was a moot point. For now, I had to agree with Hawk—I needed to make sure my photographer friend hadn’t kept any sneaky shots of either driver or their crew chiefs, which meant chasing him down and wasting work hours. I sighed and sucked down the dregs of my coffee to discover it was ice cold.