Page 35 of Speed Trap

I spun her back to face the counter, one hand on the back of her neck. She resisted for a moment, until I ran my fingers over her thighs and raised the hem of her short skirt.

Then she sank lower, her resistance fading as she rested her cheek to the cool countertop.

I grinned, painfully hard at the sight of her bent over for me, and ran my fingers under the tap. Then I traced my wet hand straight between her thighs, earning the same sort of yelp I had given her.

Except that my other hand still held her pinned to the counter.

She flailed, slapping back at me as she laughed, giggling when I tickled the backs of her knees with my damp fingers. “Stop! Damnit, Hawk,” she shrieked, waving that perfect, tempting rump at me.

I traced my fingers between her thighs, over her white lace panties. She moaned, pushing back against my touch and I withdrew my hand. “These are wet too, but it’s not from me.” I leaned down to bite the soft flesh exposed to me, tracing over her swollen little mound at the same time. “Still want me to stop?” I asked as I played with her.

“Yes—no,” she whimpered, pushing her toes into the floor to press back against my hand.

“You mean this?” I bit her again, rubbing her lace-covered pussy again as she cried out, then soothed the spot with my tongue as she pulled away from me.

I alternated nipping and touching her, sliding my fingers over the lace of her engorged flesh until my fingers were drenched and I hadn't even touched skin yet.

Her delightful little moans drew my own pleasure higher. I shoved my jeans down, fisting myself as I pulled the sopping material between her legs aside.

“Hawk,” she moaned, raised on her toes, her back arched, her thighs spread wide.

“You want me to stop?” I paused, my thumb rolling off the top of my cock. “Princess, I won’t take you if that’s not what you want.” But her body told me different lies.

“No,don’t stop,” she rasped, her voice raw, her desire untamed.

“Good girl,” I murmured, yanking a condom out of my wallet and rolling it on in a one handed joint effort with my teeth.

I was careful not to touch her glistening pink pussy with my fingers, wanting the first contact she felt to be my cock.

Her low moan reverberated through me as I teased her entrance then slid into her slick depths in a long, slow thrust. My groan matched her cry. I swallowed hard, and gripped her hips with both hands as I willed myself to last for her.

“Tell me you’re okay,” I leaned over her, drawing my tongue along the back of her neck.

She shuddered in response, clenching around me. “Please, Hawk.”

Those two little words undid me. Though we had played around plenty, it was nothing like the intimate, skin-on-skin contact with the woman I loved.

“Slow, gentle? Tell me what you need, Coops.”

“Hard. Fast. Rough.” She whimpered at my first thrust, then all I had from her were tiny screams filled with need and satisfaction.

I took her at her word, letting my body’s wild need take over without conscious thought. Her pussy fluttered around me as she came, sweat-drenched, and my own roar followed her into oblivion soon after.

This is the girl I’ll never stop chasing.

Sunny stared at the remnants of her car in silence. I got the impression she was frozen in shock. I released her hand to wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her back into my chest. She didn’t move, but some of the tension melted from her stiff stance.

“I can search for all the pieces of your…puzzle, Miss Cooper, but some of them are going to take time to source. You might be relying on Hawk for a lift for a while longer.” Ryan grimaced at me as Sunny peered over his shoulder.

“Take your time. I’ll be fine,” Sunny said so softly I barely heard her.

I doubted Ryan did.

“Why don’t you sit with Benny and he’ll go through a list of what we’re looking for? You can tell him if you want any changes or tweaks to the original.”

I could have told him that wasn’t going to happen. Sunny was a purist, plain and simple. Even in its ruined state it was obvious that she had kept the car in its original condition.

“Thank you.” Sunny disengaged from my hold with a gentle squeeze to my wrists.