I wiggled a little as anxiety settled in for a good, morning length wake up panic session, but the limbs wrapped around me refused to budge. I wiggled again and wondered if I could scoot under the arm that held me tight, but there was no room, and Hawk was a whole lot stronger than I’d thought he would be, even asleep.
I’d underestimated so much about him, and it was going to cost me one of two things, if that hadn’t already happened.
My gut clenched hard enough to bend me double in a not quite retch, though the motion was thankfully silent. Still, the action tore a gasp from my throat and brought tears to my eyes that, once they started, didn’t seem to want to stop.
Everything from yesterday, from the last weeks that had built up beneath the surface with no outlet released in a flood that was overwhelming.
This is your morning panic attack. Would you like a side serve of guilt with your beverage?
The wake up call wasn’t what I’d planned but there was no stopping it once it started. I fought back the gasps and sobs that wanted to shake my body with its force, my embarrassment fierce that Hawk—that anyone—was in my bed at the same time as it hit me.
His palm pressed against my stomach, drawing me tighter into his embrace as I gasped for anything—air, sanity.
I swiped at my eyes with the backs of my hands, relieved he was still asleep. He had sat with me for hours, wasting his entire day and evening to help me out. After our intimate moment in his car—my cheeks flamed at the thought—he had carried me up the stairs when my body froze, jammed somewhere between exhaustion andemotionally deficit.
I remembered him sneaking off after he had tucked me into my own bed and run downstairs to, I assumed, check the house as he had promised. I remembered him cradling me to his chest, wrapping his arms around my body, shielding me.
I remembered him asleep, still holding me when that same wave of exhaustion took him under too, because he stayed. He hadn’t left me alone. Hawk had stayed, was here still.
The tears started anew.
The hand on my stomach shifted and every part of me froze far too late to realize he wasn’t asleep at all.
Hawk rolled me onto my back, his fully clothed body weight settling between my thighs. It took me a moment to realize he had procured a shirt from somewhere—maybe his car during his nighttime walk before he returned to me. A gasp left me as he pushed my knees apart with his, grinding into me. An ache grew between us that was only half aroused. His citrine sleep-mussed gaze hit me in theI-need-him-right-nowsection. My legs rose of their own accord, wrapping around his thighs to draw him closer.
“Morning, Princess.” Hawk braced his forearms either side of my head, locking me into a cage of muscle and purekick-my-asssexy heat.
“Morning,” I whispered. The tears stopped, miraculously cured by the bolt of desire that flooded my body with a shot of much needed dopamine and headed south fast.
“What’s this?” Hawk’s lips brushed over my cheeks where the tears had tracked through yesterday’s makeup.
“Oh, my God.” I was still fully clothed and I hadn’t showered. Horror replaced the happy drugs in my system.
The panic kicked in again.
“Uh uh,” Hawk licked a tear track from my cheek and ground his hips forward, the ridge of his jeans rubbing into my denim-clad pussy.
I moaned, horrified at the sound. My hands slid around his shoulders and held on tight. “I was afraid of?—”
Hawk’s smile faded to be replaced by pure lust, though a shadow of somethingmoreflickered across the black embers smoldering in his dark gaze. He ground his hips forward again, leaving me aching for the feel of his cock sliding into me?—
“Stop,” I gasped. “Hawk, I?—”
“What, Coops?” he murmured, his voice as smooth as good whiskey. “Tell me what’s bothering you.”
Not once did he stop grinding against me. My body didn’t help the situation, betraying me as I rubbed myself against him, my heels pressing into the backs of his thighs. He hit a spot that sent pleasure flaring out through my limbs. More sounds ripped from my throat.In for a penny….I flexed my fingers, my hips arcing off the bed to meet his thrusts.
“Oh, please—” I sobbed the word, but panic had nothing to do with the way it came out. Need rose in me on its own tide and I chased its retreat with my body.
“Is that a yes or a no?” His smile was a wicked thing that promised sin, sex and pleasure.
I arched to meet him again. He ground me into the mattress, trapping me beneath his body as he thrust against me, hard and fast, pounding our bodies together despite the barrier our clothes provided.
“Yes, please, yes!” I would have screamed the words, but I couldn’t draw in enough breath.
“Good girl,” Hawk purred, his hips slamming into mine and I knew exactly how fucking him would feel.