“You’re not the arrogant asshole I thought you were.”
Hawk’s eyes sparkled. “That’s a relief. Come on.” His hand closed on mine and tugged.
I stood still. “Hawk?—”
He looked at me, one eyebrow raised. “I’m offering you a lift home, Coops. Not your own private peep show.”
I took a few steps in the direction of his car. “How disappointing.”
Hawk moved faster than I thought possible. In less than a second I was in front of him, pinned against his body in a cage of his own making. The world spun around me as the low roof of his car dug into my back. My spine arched in protest as he towered over me. He fisted my hair in one hand, the other at myback that pressed me to his chest, preventing me from moving in any direction.
The spark that lit his eyes before morphed into dark flame I doubted ever went out, as though he existed on a fine wire between rage and rest—notcalmexactly—flickering from one to the other at will.
His will. A place where everything was controlled by him.
“Let me up.”
His mouth slammed down over mine before I could draw another breath. I’d be damned if I couldn't form a coherent thought as his tongue thrust between my lips, devouring and teasing, drawing me into him. His heart pounded against my chest. Horns honked on the main road behind us, but even so the world seemed too far away to worry about.
I wanted to fight his brand of control but my body ached for more of him. Instead of pushing him back like I should have I arched, pressing my body flush to his. My fingers tugged at the material of his tee, sliding inside to curve over the muscle and sinew I’d been dying to touch.
He groaned into my mouth. “What happened tono, Coops? You’re supposed to be the strong one here.”
“You have to be kidding. Have youmetme, Hawk?”
His soft laugh against my mouth did strange things to my insides. Worse, when his kisses grew lighter, softer. HIs touch drew back as I sank into a sea of oblivion, languished there for a moment longer. Something in my head clicked into place, followed by a wave of fear.
I shivered against his chest. “Was that a publicity stunt?”
“What?” Hawk gentled his grip in my hair and cupped the back of my head instead, though he reared back as though I’d slapped him. Maybe metaphorically speaking I had. “Are you insane? We’ve been flirting for four fucking hours. Every time Ilook at you I think of you naked in my bed, beneath me though I wouldn't object to seeing you ride me either, Coops. I see myself fucking you in the darkness, in the morning. I can fuckingtasteyou on my tongue and it’s not enough. Now you think I’d do that for astunt?” The darkness in his eyes kindled into glowing embers, his rage never far from the surface.
Like someone else I know.
I shivered again, regardless of the heat that rolled from him where body still pressed my mine, thigh to thigh, and traced tiny, inconsequential patterns on his shirt. “No. I don’t.”
“Mhmm.” His chin grazed my cheek in a rough motion, drawing my focus back to him with a gasp. “Why would you think I’d do that, Coops? Have I scared you?” His eyes saw too much, so I closed mine, blocking him out but he already read the fear in me. “Or have you been hurt like that before? Is it Benson?”
“Yes?No.” I covered the condemning slip far too late and winced. “Please don’t repeat that,” I begged. Another wince. More like an internal cringe. Could today get any worse?
Hawk’s fingers curled around my cheeks, drawing my mouth back to his. This time he didn’t demand anything and gave instead. Light, sweet kisses dulled the sense of rising panic as though he knew chaos that churned inside me.
Which was a damn miracle because I could barely work myself out most of the time.
“You’re ruining me.” I pushed a little harder at his chest. “The bar is too high. Anyone else would fail the Hawk test.”
“Benchmark set. I like it.” He backed off a step, drawing me with him. “You don’t need to compare me with anyone else, Coops. I’m right here.” His thumb brushed over my lips in a too tender touch that left them tingling.
It took me a moment to get my head together. “Stop that. I can’t think.”
“Thinking is overrated.”
“Not right now. Hawk— I can’t. I work for— dammit. This is such a mess.”
“Work for me,” he purred.