Jolts of pleasure assailed my skin wherever we touched, reminding me all too well of my lucid dreams starring him. His then phantom touch brought me orgasm after orgasm, and his contact now muddled in with the memory until a small and horrifying moan slipped past my lips.
Hawk froze, pinning me tight against him. Heat from his body permeated against my skin through the sheer material of my top. For the first time in a week I missed my leather jacket.
“Coops, if you’re going to make noises like that then I won’t be able to continue trying to seduce you into my bed.”
“And I thought you were here to offer me a job,” I shot back, then wished I hadn't. That made it sound as though he’d asked me to whore myself out, and I’d agreed with my wanton little moan. I tugged at the hand locked around my waist. “You should stop.”
He drew me closer into him until I could feel the ridges of muscle hidden beneath his shirt, his arousal fitted too well against my ass. “I never stop until I get what I want.”
“Have we established what you want?” I asked, my heart pounding traitorously in my chest.
His lips grazed my ear as he stopped the massage to trail his fingertips along my arm. More goosebumps erupted in their wake. “Wasn’t I clear, Coops? I want you.” His trailing hand drew across my stomach to resume its journey between my breasts. He circled my throat with his fingers, leaving plenty of room for me to swallow against his palm, and eased my head back onto his shoulder.
All breath ceased as Hawk’s amber gaze held me captive. Calluses grazed my skin as his palm trailed across my stomach, then headed lower to cup my denim-covered mound. I wriggledagainst him but the hand clasped around my throat flexed. Not enough to threaten, or steal the air I wasn’t breathing anyway. Just enough to remind me to stay still for him. So I did. Right up until he ground the heel of his hand against my clit, the seam working for him and against me as fireworks exploded behind my eyes.
Then I couldn’t help the way my body rocked against his harder one, working us both into a panting frenzy. Hawk’s mouth hovered over mine, the faintest whisper of a stolen breath paused between us.
“Yes, you’re clear,” I gasped, unable to concentrate. Unable to focus on anything except the waves of pleasure rolling through me. But that movement jerked my body, brushing my lips against his mouth.
The hint of a smile graced those perfectly arched lips before they descended over mine.
And I discovered KC Hawking could kiss like a god.
Icovered Sunny’s mouth with mine in a slow as fuck, drench-your-panties kiss that left her panting in the lunchroom. Heat and the scent of her coated my palm, and I hadn’t even gone skin deep yet. I released my grip on her pretty pussy to skim back over her stomach and grazed my thumb beneath the gentle swell of her breasts.
A soft breath escaped her lips at the touch that I ached to breathe in like it was my last whisper of air. With her head tilted back, she had thatjust-kissedglow that set everything off in me.
Blood rushed to my cock until I was painfully hard, straining for release against my jeans.Fuck, but I wanted this girl bad. Wanted her in my arms, in my bed. Hell, I wanted her curled on my chest when I woke up in the morning, all dozy eyed and sweet before I turned that pretty into something wild. Sinful.
Like the way she looked at me now.
I drew her back to me again, just to feel Sunny Cooper’s hand twist backward around my wrist and squeeze it tight.
“Hawk,” she murmured, my name tripping off her tongue in a single breath.
If she says my name like that again it’s game over.
“Shut up, Coops. I’m seducing you.”
Well if that’s what she wanted then I was more than happy to oblige.
That line came out of her mouth all sweet and dreamy, and fuck me if I didn’t have to haul myself back from the edge of ripping her clothes off right then and there in her borrowed office space where Benson had no idea she was working and wasn’t on holidays like he expected.
But I doubted she would appreciate that little reminder of reality. Maybe. Or maybe this girl would surprise me in other ways. Sunny Cooper had a way of doing that.
Her lips moved beneath mine when I devoured her again, all soft and sweet, sexy and wicked all at once. I groaned into her mouth and pulled her curved hips tight against me. A cute as hell sigh slipped from her lips as her tongue traced the shape of mine. I muttered promises of what I’d do to her soon into her mouth. The visual of her tongue doing the same to my bare cock when she knelt for me was too strong an image to ignore.
I swallowed the taste of her need and let it feed my own arousal into a frenzy that I leashed, teasing both of us with the potential to take the situation somewhere…different.
Sunny pulled her mouth from mine with a soft little gasp that I instantly wanted her to repeat in my bed. Or on the counter behind us. Or whatever surface was handy for screwing both of us into oblivion. I wasn’t picky.