Page 83 of Nest Of Lies

“Who started it? We just calmed everything down.”

“Malone. He was drunk. He swung first.”

“Mother fucker!” Zaden growls. “He’s lucky they didn’t kill him. Obviously, they didn’t realise who he was.”

He paces back and forth, and then nods. “How bad is this going to be?”

“I don’t know. It might be minimal. It’s going to depend on how he’s feeling. If their prez decides to declare war, I mean, he’s within his rights. He’s lost family, and now we’re fighting in clubs.”

Zaden curses again and starts pacing.

I hum and then go around to Zaden’s desk to pull out a pad of paper and a pen.

“We have days, maybe until her heats starts. We need to get all of this done. So let’s get it all out in the open and lock it away.”

I start writing lists. To Mills, I hand all the reconnaissance and negotiating with the other MC. He’s got an in with an old friend who might be able to swing some time our direction.

Zaden and Ianto get the task of disciplining the members who broke the rules. Ianto will love it. He fucking hates Malone.

Valen, I send on a run to stock the house up and some of the other properties we own so that the guys will have food and supplies. Especially if something happens and everyone needs to lie low.

As for me, I check all our members and the properties and make sure everyone is doing all right. It takes me hours, but I go through the list and touch base with everyone.

When her heat hits, we may be down for a week or more. I can’t have shit going to hell in that time.

Five hours later, I’meven angrier than I was before. What was Malone thinking? Why would he do this?

The talk with Mills, then Ianto, has left Malone furious and sullen. I shake my head. I don’t know what his fucking problem is. Since his beta left him six months ago, he’s been drinking himself deeper into the bottle and becoming a pain in the ass. It would have been better for everyone if he’d just gone with Zion when they’d packed up and left.

I rub an exhausted hand across my tired eyes and growl in frustration. I just want to be with Lia.

Dealing with this shit tonight is driving me out of my skin.

Lia pads into the room and perches on the desk. I lean back and look at her.

She is my miracle.

I reach for her, and she eagerly slides onto my lap.

“You’ve stolen Zaden’s desk.”

“That’s because it’s actually my desk. I use it more. Zaden just wanders around it looking menacing.”

Lia laughs, and I swear, it lifts my soul.

“What are you working on?”

“You’re going to go into heat, Lia. In a week or more. Maybe less, and we’re going to be with you. I’m making sure everyone is ready, that nothing catastrophic will happen while we do this with you. You’re the pack’s priority.”

She kisses my lips and leans in, stroking her cheek against my jaw. I’m stunned by her actions, shocked into silence, unable to find a single word to explain the warmth and happiness that is exploding through my chest. This woman, this switch, is scent-marking me. In this moment, I know I would destroy the entire world to keep her safe. Nothing and no one would stop me from finding her.

I close my eyes, allowing her to do it. I inhale and on the exhale, a deep vibration comes out.

She pauses, and then redoubles her efforts.

I’m struck dumb, unable to stop, but unable to believe the sound I’m making.

I’m purring.