I grab my jacket and slip my shoes on. Ryn hesitates, but then she grabs her jacket and rushes to follow us. I’m all a-flutter with excitement. Not just to leave the house but to do something this daring, I can barely think past the need to rush outside shouting my happiness.
My heart’s pounding, and I let out a giggle. Locke glances my way and winks. I’m not sure I’ve ever been so excited.
The three of us cross the grounds. As we get closer, I get a good look at the building. But the closer we get, the more Ryn complains, and the more determined I get. What would it be like to ride on one of their Harley's? Does it feel like flying?
Their mansion is huge and darker than mine. The Raines mansion is white, kept pristine. This is wild, dark wood, hidden by bushes and towering trees. It’s beautiful and mysterious. My heart jumps, and I grip Ryn’s hand and practically drag her towards it.
Our first view of the porch has me giggling. There’s a man sprawled unconscious leaning up against the outside of the mansion. He’s just lying there, snoring with a bottle of beer in one hand. He’s got a short beard and tattoos all over his arms and neck.
I let out a tiny squeal and bounce forward towards the light of the house, aiming for the golden window of light that is beckoning me towards it.
Locke’s eyes shine bright as he leads the way, but Ryn looks terrified.
“Relax, Ryn,” I whisper. “We’re just going to have a look, and then we’re going to go. Nothing is going to happen.” But I hope something does. Anything. Maybe I’ll make a friend.
She nods her head in a sharp jerk.
Stepping into the doorway, into the light, feels like I’ve entered another world. I forget about Locke and Ryn. Women are grinding on men in the dining room, on the dining table. Everywhere. I’ve never seen anything so obviously sexy. I widen my eyes in shock and twist to take it all in. It’s erotic, sexy, and carnal. It’s another world.
But the men are familiar. I’ve seen men like that before. They are big, with big shoulders, big muscles, big beards. Tattoos cover their skin, and most of them are wearing chunky rings on their fingers. They look rough. Raw. Unreal.
They all look like Andy.
Ryn pulls me to a stop and shakes me free, taking after Locke, who has slipped into another room. I take my chance to look around. There’s an enormous staircase in front of me and the top is in darkness.
I bite my lip, staring up at it. The hairs on my neck lift, and I get this feeling I can’t shake that someone is watching me. I chew my cheek and linger, wanting to go up, wishing I was brave enough to climb those stairs. That darkness calls to me.
In the end, I turn away. I wander through the people gyrating. When someone grabs my hips and sways against me, I pause and laugh, dancing with them, before I move on. My exploration leads me into the kitchen, where a group of guys are cheering as they arm wrestle. Everyone is really drunk, but then it’s almost two in the morning.
I blink when I realise the guy who just won is Raider.
Like Ryn, he’s got the dark hair, but he’s got the golden skin. He laughs, picks up a shot, and downs it. He fits in here with this crowd, I think with an envious pang.
I side-step the group, not wanting him to stop my fun, and duck out of the kitchen, hoping to find someone who will talk to me. I just want to see more. Maybe I can grab a drink here, dance more?
I end up back at those stairs, but now I feel braver, and the urge to climb them isn’t something I can ignore. I slowly advance up, feeling at every step that someone is going to stop me.
It feels like destiny. Like some great fate is awaiting me.
I get up on the landing and move to the rail, staring down at everyone. They laugh and whisper, dance and put arms around each other. Everyone is happy. So many people are having fun. I don’t think I’ve been around this many people, but I love it.
You’re sick.
I push my mother’s voice aside and whip around when I hear a door creak. It’s followed by the groan of floorboards as a man steps out of a room. The guy has his back to me, but his black top is stretched tight over very broad shoulders. I have this urge to walk up and run my hands across the expanse.
It’s so ridiculous that I let out a tiny squeak of pure surprise.
I’m frozen, pinned to the spot by this hunger inside me, these strange new feelings. The sensation that I’ve been sleeping my whole life and I’ve just woken up is strange and new. I reach up and tidy my hair and lick my lips. I’m unable to move as he turns and stills. He’s seen me, but it hasn’t quenched the feeling. Instead, the air feels like it could catch fire.
He’s gorgeous. I can tell, even in the dark.
And then he smiles. I can just see his teeth. My heart thunks against my ribs, and I reach out to grab the landing rail to hold myself up.
“Hello, baby.”
I shiver at the endearment. No one’s ever called me baby before. I love it. But I can’t find my tongue. I can’t find anything. Is this love? Lust? What is wrong with me?
He moves closer, and when his huge hands slide onto my hips and tow me towards him; I suck in air desperately but don’t resist. I feel so small, so breakable. And his hands feel so nice. It’s a touch I feel like I’ve been aching and missing all my life and only just realised what it was. His hands belong on my hips.