Yoshi is okay looking. I wonder what he’ll look like after I smash his face in.
“Go ahead, we’ll do anything for Lia,” Ranger says.
Anything for Lia. That is a truth that is burned into my soul. Anything.
“Have any of you started smelling something overly sweet?”
Ianto sits back, staring at the doctor with his expression locked. He knows something.
“Marshmallows,” Mills says suddenly.
“Yes, now and then, the smell of marshmallows fills the air,” Ranger agrees.
“Has,” the doctor coughs, “when you get erections, have your knots been present.”
There’s a dawning shock that has me gripping the back of Ianto’s chair and staring.
“Yes,” I snap.
“Aggression levels up?”
“Yes,” I say before the others can interrupt.
“Have you had ideas to bond her? Urges. Aching jaw or teeth?”
“Yes!” I almost whisper.
“No! No!” Zaden growls. “Lia is a beta.”
The doctor lets out a shocked bark of laughter. “No, she’s not. Her levels are off the chart. Despite all the evidence, it would appear she’s a switch.”
“What the fuck is a switch?” Ranger growls.
“A person of a particular designation who can switch between the designations. For instance, a person may wake up as a beta and then change to an omega.”
“And is it permanent?” Ianto asks.
“Most cases have been, there have been a case of two who were able to change back and forth, sliding up and down the designations at will. In this case, judging from the severity and pain, I think going by the research I can find, that she will wake up one day soon an omega, and it will be permanent.”
I grip the chair so I don’t drop to my knees. My mouth waters, my heart is almost bursting.
To knot an omega is the most fervent desire of an alpha. To knot an omega you care for is even more so.
“She’s our scent match,” Ianto throws out, and now I do stumble. I grip the chair beside him and pull myself into it.
“How do you know that?” I growl, giving him a furious look that he ignores. But then, so does everyone else.
“I’ve always known,” Ianto says with a shrug, but he doesn’t meet my eyes. “Lia is ours.”
I wheeze and consider stabbing the prick in his leg. I want to ask more questions and drag or shake the information from him.
“Well, it would appear that you have come into what is a most fortuitous circumstance.” The doctor leans forward. “Now, let’s talk about how to get this poor lass of yours through this situation.”
The doctor writes out a script. “These are painkillers that will help with the fevers. I strongly suggest letting her ride it out where she feels most comfortable. Her instincts might get savage, so keep sharp things out of her reach. Also, let her choose her own nest. Bring lots of comfortable things that she likes. Materials. Do not enter her nest without her permission. Omegas have been known to seriously injure their alphas for not respecting their territory. And try to avoid stressful situations.”
“How long?”
The doctor looks up and blinks owlishly. “It lasts as long as it lasts. Her first heat may be slightly longer or shorter, be prepared. Make sure it’s safe. But, based on her hormone levels, I’d say the next two to three weeks.”