“Lia?” I say, I’m shocked. “Have you eaten?”
I anxiously slide my hands down her body, but she shrugs me off and tries to get away. I don’t let her, following and really taking in how bad she is.
“You told me not to date!” she says and shoves my chest. “You kidnapped my date, and you all promised me you’d kill anyone who came here, and then you just vanished. So, I’m not allowed to date!” she screams. “I’m not allowed to go out!” She shoves me. “I’m not allowed to see you! What else do I have?”
She bursts into loud sobs.
I’m stunned, but I can’t bear it. I wrap my arms around her and pull her into my arms.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” I whisper over and over until she stops.
I stroke her back. What we’ve done to her is not okay. Not even a little bit.
A deep, cold presence is at my back, and it takes a while before I register it. I glance back over my shoulder and find Zaden standing there staring at her. His expression is a mix ofso many potent emotions that I can’t even discern what they mean, but then he blanks his expression and continues up the stairs.
“Lia,” Zaden growls.
She jumps.
“Why aren’t you taking care of yourself?”
She flushes and shuffles in my arms. I glare at Zaden. He grips her hair and pulls her head back.
“Why aren’t you being the proud, strong beta we know?” Zaden snaps. “What is this? How long since you had a shower? You stink.”
She snarls back. “I’ll shower when I’m good and ready to shower.”
“You’ll get in that bloody shower right now and get your ass clean. Then you’re coming downstairs. Mills is going to make you a meal to eat. And when you’re done with Mills, you can prepare yourself.”
“For what?” Lia screams at him.
I’m stunned by how emotional she is. Her mood is flipping so quickly. I’m struggling to keep up.
“For Valen. He can come over here and annoy the shit out of you instead of giving me hell!” Zaden roars back. “I’m sick of his goddamn whining about where is Lia. I want to see Lia. What’s Lia doing? What’s Lia thinking? He’s driving me crazy, so I’m tagging you in. He’s your problem now.”
Lia blinks. “Valen misses me?”
Zaden growls, a furious, deep sound that has me hunching my shoulders.
“Get showered, get dressed, and prepare yourself. The pack is going to hang out with you for the next couple of hours, and then we’re going on a run, and when we get back, we’re going to sort something out with all this.”
Lia trembles. “You’re not leaving me? You won’t abandon me?”
I am so careful not to look at Zaden. She thinks we abandoned her? I can feel his tension, too, though; I think Lia is too tired to register it.
Zaden growls. “We never left you, Lia. We’re trying to save you.”
She lets out a squeak of happiness.
“Go shower, Lia. Do you have any requests for food?” I ask.
She pauses and shakes her head. “I’ll eat anything.”
I watch her turn and disappear. Zaden gestures for me to join him. I walk down the stairs with him and stop at the bottom.
“Why?” Zaden growls.
“I was scared she was hurt.”