It’s a red flag.
She can’t ignore it.
And damn, if I don’t get a dark thrill of excitement thinking about her coming.
It started about threeweeks after the night the Raines invaded our party. She stole into the house and set off smoke bombs. So, I had Valen put up neon lights in the shape of people fucking on her front lawn. So, she set off fireworks.
Valen had become instantly and irrevocably fascinated with her.
In my foolishness, I’d allowed him to retaliate.
It had started something that I had been unable to end. Even talking to her and explaining the situation hadn’t made a lick of difference. She brought me a pacifier and glued it to my desk. It took me hours to get it off.
Or the time she hid speakers throughout the house, and then started playing music randomly during the day.
I rub my forehead as I try to bite back a smile. And that’s the crux of the matter. She’s an intelligent little she-devil and quite possibly one of the few women who has walked into our clubhouse with no awe, no fear. She’s a little queen. I’d thought it was ignorance.
I’d been wrong.
She’s fearless.
And relentless.
I turn on the cameras and check them. I won’t see her. None of us are sure how she gets in, but she’ll be back tonight.
I pace to the window and look across to the Raines mansion. Lia is one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. I’m not sure how she’s still single, but she never seems to go anywhere. It’s perplexing. Most women her age are out shopping, partying, working.
She is always at home.
She’s a mystery in a perfect package, and I am getting distracted by her again. I go back behind my desk and sit down, loading up my emails. I start answering them and going through the jobs I need to get done before the club arrives.
The hours stretch out, and it’s not until I feel a kind of itchy sensation of being watching that I look up. She’s sitting on the couch across from me.
Her ability to get past my natural alarms is startling.
“Where is my bear?”
“What bear?” I don’t even hesitate to draw this out. It’s amazing how happy I am just being near her.
“Don’t play with me, Zaden.”
I close my laptop as she stands up. She moves with the grace of a hunting lioness. Her hips tilting in a sexy way that makes me want to grab her and pull her up against me.
She looks like a lioness, too, with that golden hair and her tawny skin. Everything except those startling blue-green eyes. She’s not thin but not overly curvy, either. The kind of woman that you can really fuck hard, someone with some curves to hang on to.
What am I doing thinking about fucking her?
She’s wearing black leggings and a long-sleeved black jumper. I suck in a breath when I recognise that it’s mine. She’s been in my bedroom.
Strangely, that sets off the alpha inside of me, roaring and thumping my chest, wanting to drag her back there, bend her over, and…
No, I’m not thinking about that.
“You know where your bear is. Go get it and go home.”
“You’re buying me new clothes.”
“Fine. Send me the bill.”