And our queen.
The Mirakill Omega, our miracle. The queen of our MC riding with the family who took her in, riding with the people who love her.
I wonder if she knows we’ll never leave her alone again.
She’ll never have to worry now.
The fear and pain are just a thing of the past.
She’s got the MC, she’s got family, and she’s got a pack who will go to war for her.
Aurelia Raines, our Lia, is worth any sacrifice. I reach up and touch my bonds, smiling when she turns her helmeted head and spots me. She smiles…and suddenly, from several bikes, coloured smoke pours into the air.
I’m stunned until I see Lia laughing. Several of the guys are holding hand smoke bombs, laughing at the surprise on our faces.
Nicky would have loved it. I choke up and have to fight hard not to start bawling. He would have been so thrilled to be part of this. Lia must have organised it without us knowing.
The bikes roar up the road, leaving streaks of colour in the air behind us.
I ride my bike up closer and see Lia laughing. Valen shakes his head and lifts his hand when Ianto and Ranger fall in beside us. Zaden twists to look behind him. I get a look at his face and see him smiling. He looks at me, grinning, and I nod my head in complete understanding.
Our little prankster is back.
Thank the metal bike gods.
As one, we speed up, leading the Mirakill MC into the great big world. And I start planning our revenge. But this time, I want to be there to see her smile. I want to see her laugh.
We ride into the future, travelling those open roads of freedom, finding flight with my brothers, my pack, and my queen.
Chapter forty-six
“Where is Beezie?” Liacries out. She stands in the door frame, staring at me. “What have you done with him?”
I spin in my computer chair, smiling at her because she looks so indignant, and put a hand to my chest. “Moi? Nothing.”
She narrows her eyes. “Mills! Where is my Beezie?”
I stand up and walk to her, pulling her up against me, ignoring her protests.
“You are so cute when you’re mad at me.”
She snarls, and I drop a kiss on her perfect lips.
“This time, I'm innocent, but maybe you should go see Ranger.”
She glares, all fierce and shit. It’s hard to keep a straight face. I drop another kiss on her, lingering until she’s all melted up against me.
“Go see, Ran.”
I let her go and force myself to step back.
“Hey, Lia?”
She pauses.