He snarls and thrusts forward, leaning over me and kissing my neck. I moan as he rocks us both into another orgasm. As I clench and shatter around his knot, I take his hand, threading our fingers together.
Valen eventually stops moving and rests his sweaty head on my shoulder. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, it was perfect.”
Valen huffs. “Damn it, Lia.”
He pulls out of me, and I grimace. My knees are a bit sore, and I feel wobbly.
But as soon as I stand up, Mills and Valen drag me to the couch and cuddle me. I don’t know where the others are. I just lay between my alphas and enjoy the attention.
Ranger is staring atme. I can feel it from here. I carefully extricate myself and follow him as he leads me through the house.
“We haven’t caught Malone. Not yet, but we will.”
I almost trip. “You haven’t?”
“No, he will be taken care of, that I promise you. And Kyle is coming home soon.”
I study him, but he stays just a few steps away from me until we get to the top of the stairs. He moves to the rail and looks down.
I smile in amusement. “This is where we met.”
“Yes. This is where I stole a kiss. I didn’t know who you were, just that I had to have you.”
I keep moving until I’m standing right behind him. “I dreamed of that kiss for years.”
“Me, too.”
“How would it have ended?”
Ranger turns around. His lips tilt upwards, and he reaches out to stroke my hair away from my face.
“I would have kissed you again.”
“Are you going to?”
Ranger smiles. “Yes. I’m going to kiss you again, Lia, but then I’m going to do what I wished I’d had the balls to do that night.”
He puts a hand on my shoulder and walks me backwards until I hit the wall. I’m still naked, and he’s naked, too. It doesn’t seem weird, just natural.
I inhale, but he’s leaning over me, kissing me deeply. Teasing me into a response that seems to be instinctive with him.
“Who are you, Mr Kiss Thief?” I tease.
He laughs huskily. “I’m Ranger, and you’re the sexy little neighbour that I’ve been spying on for years. My Lia.”
“Why do you taste so good?” I whine.
“It’s all those pastries Mills stuffs me with.” Ranger kisses my cheek, and then my eyelids. “Am I brave enough?”
I stare up at his beautiful face. Even in shadows, he’s gorgeous. “I hope so.”
He runs his nose along my neck and to the curve of my shoulder. His lips find the spot, and then puts his teeth there. “Lia?”
“Bond me. Make it so I can’t make anymore mistakes that keep us apart.”