Page 36 of Nest Of Lies

“I, uh, I need to see Mills.”

“He’s busy. We’re all busy.” The guys got dark hair with gray at the temples and pockmarks on his cheeks. His blue eyes are flat, and he’s all danger and anger. “Boss said you weren’t allowed here.”

I glance around, but he shoves my shoulder harder into the wall until I whimper.

He’s torn off me. He goes staggering, and when he shouts and whirls towards his attacker, a fist slams into his face.

“No one touches Lia, Malone, you know that,” Ianto says coldly. He turns to me and leans in. “Come with me.”

I try to protest, but he just drags into the kitchen. Mills and Valen are there waiting.

“Lia, what are you doing here?” Mills starts furiously.

“I have to tell you something important-”

“You shouldn’t be here. It’s dangerous.”

“Just listen!”

“Go home!”

“LISTEN TO ME!” I shout.

The three of them fall silent and stare at me. “Someone dumped him at my house fifteen minutes ago.”

Valen straightens like he’s been electrocuted. He rushes out of the room while Mills grabs my hands and drags me out of the mansion. Ianto follows right on my heels.

I run, barely able to keep up, and when we get inside, I lead them to my nest, I mean, panic room, and open the door with the combination lock and thumb print.

Ianto rushes in and crouches over Ranger, checking him over. He pulls out a penlight and shines it into his eyes.

“Who dropped him off? When? Where?”

“A van appeared. I thought it was weird, I was going to call Zaden, but he said not to bother him…anyway, I opened the door and found him, dragged him here and came to get you. Oh, and I checked to make sure he wasn’t stabbed or bleeding.”

I frown, and now that Ranger is safe; the adrenaline is fading, and I feel sick and woozy. I lean against the wall, and then my legs collapse out from under me.

I stare at Ranger, unaware I’m crying, until Valen crouches and pulls me into a hard hug.

“You did really good, Lia. Really good.”

“Is he going to be okay?” My voice comes out in a harsh whisper.

Ranger rolls his head towards me. “Lia, come here.” He sounds terrible, but I crawl towards him. I curl up beside him and hold his hand.

“Ranger.” I can barely say his name.

“Shh, I’m okay. I’m okay.”

Zaden arrives and freezes in the doorway. I can see his shadow before he comes around Rangers’ other side and grips his hand.


Ranger smiles a little. “I’ll be good in a couple of days.”

“Idiot,” Zaden growls. “You scared everyone.”

“Just wanted to cuddle with my beta.” Ranger teases and pats my hair.