I freeze. "What did you just say?"
"Oh, you didn't know?" Julian's eyes gleam with satisfaction. "They thought they could borrow money from my father and then refuse to pay. As if they were above consequences." He brushes a mock-tender thumb across my cheek and I shove his hand away. "You should be grateful I saw potential in you, took pity on a poor orphan girl."
"My parents?" The room spins as memories crash over me – being shoved into the kitchen cupboard by my mom's trembling hands, the raised voices, the screams. The police officer telling me about a tragic accident but it was all a lie. Were they in on it too?
Julian stands, straightening his cuffs. "Let's call it a lesson in paying one's debts. One you'll need to learn as well."
"They were my parents, you monster!" The sobs tear from my throat as I slump forward, the truth shattering what little composure I had left. "I was ten years old! They killed my parents over money and made me believe..." My fingers dig into the floorboards as rage burns through my grief. Now their murderer's son wants to make me his omega? I want to scream!
"Your family was weak," Julian replies coldly, checking his watch when I glance up as if my breakdown bores him. "But you... you have potential. Once you learn your place."
I look up at him through tears, hatred crystallizing in my chest. "Your fucking family destroys lives and calls it business."
"Careful, Casey," he warns, voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. "Don't make me remind you just how easily history can repeat itself."
Staring down at me, he reaches for his belt. “I think it’s time for another lesson in manners. The kind that leaves you choking.”
The guard behind me snickers, and my gut tightens. Julian’s eyes are fever bright as he slides his hand down and begins to unlatch his belt, pulling open the first button of his pants. “I’ve missed this,” he breathes. “Missed hearing you beg and plead. You always did break so beautifully.”
The fury that’s been building inside me explodes. Before I can think better of it, I drive my fist up between his legs with every ounce of strength I have. Julian doubles over with a strangled sound, and I’m on my feet in an instant, adrenaline singing through my veins.
But I’ve barely taken two steps and twisted around when something cracks across my face—the back of a guard’s hand. I stumble, tasting blood, spots dancing in my vision. That’s when I see it—the knife at Julian’s back, fallen from its sheath as he curled in on himself.
“You little bitch,” he wheezes, still doubled over. “I’m going to make you scream for that. Make you beg for death.” He starts laughing, the sound unhinged. “But you don’t get to die, precious. Not until you learn. Not until you’re perfect...”
I lunge for the knife, snatching it up and slashing wildly at the nearest guard. The blade catches him across the stomach, and he staggers back with a curse. The second guard charges, butI pivot toward Julian, raising my knife to drive it into his back, but the second guard slams into me like a storm. My head cracks against the floor, and everything goes fuzzy.
When my vision clears, Julian is standing over me, adjusting his belt. The smile he gives me is pure evil, promising torments I don’t want to imagine.
“You want to hurt me? Your Alpha?” His words shake.
Then his phone rings.
“What?” he snaps into it. His face darkens as he listens. “How the fuck did that happen?... No, hold position.... I said hold fucking position!” He runs a hand through his hair, messing up its perfect styling. “Give me a sec. Clearly, I have to do everything myself. These incompetent—” He cuts himself off, taking a deep breath. “Just. Hold. Position.” He gestures to the guards. “Watch her. Don’t let her move a muscle.” Then he looks down at me, eyes glittering with promises that make my blood run cold.
“Enjoy this small break, precious. When I get back, we’re going to have so much fun together. Starting with that smart mouth of yours...”
I push myself to sit, everything aching, my heart shattering, as Julian strides out with one of the guards on his heels. Through the blinds, I watch him climb into a black town car that glides silently away. One guard sits outside the room as he pulls the door shut, the second one remaining inside with me. He leers at me, and I curl my lip in disgust, though inside, I’m shaking.
My head throbs where it hit the floor, but that’s nothing compared to the heat building inside of me, the ache deep in my soul to have learned the truth about my parents.
Yet, every breath brings Alpha pheromones that make my body scream for relief, even as my mind recoils in horror. The guard’s scent isn’t that of an Alpha, but a Beta, so he shouldn’t hurt me as I wait.
My clothes are still damp from the tub back in the cabin, making me shiver, and I start to feel bruises forming on the side of my face where I got hit.
I have no idea where I am, no way to contact help. The men don’t know where to look for me. And when Julian comes back...
I close my eyes, fighting down panic. I’ve never seen him this unstable, this determined to hurt me. The calculated cruelty in his expression promises torments beyond anything he’s done before. And now there’s no one to hear me scream.
The front door stands wide open when we pull up, swinging lazily in the morning breeze like a broken jaw. We’re hours later than planned after the clusterfuck in the city—having to ditch Julian’s tail through back alleys and construction zones before we could even think about moving Casey’s brother.
At least that part went smoother than expected. The moment we mentioned Julian’s name, something changed in his eyes, and kept asking if Casey was okay. He didn’t even argue; just threw some clothes in a bag and followed us out. Like he’d been waiting for the other shoe to drop. Now, he’s tucked away at one of our safe houses with someone I trust, someone who knows how to stay ghost when needed.