“Our parents aren’t here to ask this,” Kai continues, his eyes intense. “So, I have to. I need your word—all of you—that you’ll protect her with your lives. That you’ll never hurt her, that you’ll give her the life she deserves.” His hand finds mine, squeezing gently. “Because this girl? She’s all the family I’ve got left, and she’s spent too many years just surviving instead of living.”
My three men, my pack, exchange glances. Then Logan leans forward, his steel-gray eyes meeting Kai’s without hesitation.
“She’s our heart now,” he says simply. “There’s nothing we wouldn’t do to keep her safe, to make her happy.”
“We’d burn the world down if anyone tried to hurt her,” Axel adds, his usual playfulness replaced by raw conviction.
Nash removes his glasses, cleaning them slowly. “Your sister isn’t just someone we protect, Kai. She’s the missing piece we didn’t even know we were looking for. Hurting her would be hurting ourselves.”
I blink back tears as Kai studies each of them in turn, then finally nods, satisfaction. A grin tugs at his mouth.
“Okay, now for something really important… who controls the TV remote?”
“Casey,” they answer in unison, then look at each other in surprise.
Kai laughs, the serious moment breaking. “Though I know my sister. She probably makes you watch those terrible horror movies she loves.”
“Hey!” I protest, grateful for the lightness returning. “They’re classics!”
Later, I pull Kai aside while the others chat with some of the safehouse staff in the kitchen. “You could come live with us, you know. So, you’re not alone.”
His eyes drift past me to where a pretty brunette is pretending not to watch him while arranging flowers in the hallway. “Actually... I’m not the only one who met someone special recently.” He rubs the back of his neck. “That’s Maya. She’s here because her friend got her involved with some dangerous people. Been helping her get back on her feet.”
“Oh really?” I nudge him, grinning. “And?”
“And I think I need to stick around here for a while.” His expression softens when Maya glances our way again, a shy smile crossing her face. She’s cute, with dark hair and rosy lips.
My heart aches with happiness for him, but anxiety creeps in. “Have you... have you heard anything about my friends?”
He squeezes my hand. “Not yet, but once I’m home, I can ask around. I still have some contacts who might know something.”
“Yes, please.” I hug him tight. “Thank you.”
“Time to head out,” Logan calls softly. “Kai, we can give you a lift home if you want to grab your bags.”
“Actually...” Kai glances behind him. “Room for one more?”
Maya appears at his side, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear with a nervous smile. Her fingers find Kai’s, and the way my brother’s whole face softens makes my heart melt.
“You bet,” Axel grins. “We can squeeze in the back. Casey fits perfectly in my lap.” He winks at me.
I feel heat rush to my cheeks, remembering that first desperate day of my heat—his strong arms around me, sitting on his lap, and him spreading me in front of Logan and Nash. The thought brings a tingle of excitement, which is the wrong time.
“Okay, let’s do this,” I say hurriedly, nudging Axel with my elbow, then glare at him. He winks back and leans in to steal a kiss.
Kai and Maya head into one of the rooms for their things, and we head outside. I lean against the SUV. “Is it strange that everything’s actually working out well for a change?”
Nash pulls me against his chest, dropping a kiss on my temple. “You deserve every bit of happiness coming your way.”
“More than deserves it,” Axel adds, bracketing me from the other side.
Logan steps close, completing our little circle. “And we plan to spend the rest of our lives making sure you never doubt that again.”
I close my eyes, breathing in their mingled scents. “I love you,” I whisper. “All of you. So much.”
“Good thing,” Axel murmurs against my hair. “Because you’re stuck with us now.”
“Legally and everything,” Nash adds with a smile in his voice.