Page 24 of Pack Obsession

"Are you sure?" With his fingers tangled in my hair and his gaze holding mine, I’m no longer sure if I’m more afraid of him... or of how much I want to taste his darkness for myself.

He shifts closer, and my heart hammers against my ribs. He’s looking at my mouth again, and the raw hunger I see on his face steals my breath. Every cell in my body screams to close that final distance, to discover if his kiss would be gentle or savage, to feel those powerful hands on my skin. My fingers itch to trace the hard planes of his chest.

But the rational part of my brain whispers warnings. This isn’t just attraction—it’s playing with fire. I’m only here until I know Julian can’t find me, until I’m safe enough to disappear. Getting tangled up with Axel would only complicate everything. Would make leaving impossible. Would make staying even more deadly.

A soft whine breaks the spell. I glance down to see Logan in the yard, his golden eyes staring up at us. I freeze, reality crashing back, and pull away from Axel’s touch.

I should leave. Should go back to my room and remember all the reasons this is not a great idea. But I can’t remember the last time someone looked at me the way Axel does...

"You’re thinking too loud," he murmurs, standing up, towering over me, reminding me just how small I am in comparison.

"Someone has to."

His laugh rumbles through me, and I realize I’ve somehow ended up nearly tucked against his side. When did that happen?


"Hmm?" His fingers trail down my arm, raising goosebumps.

"This is probably a bad idea."

"Probably." But he doesn’t move away. If anything, he draws me closer. "Want me to stop?"

The smart answer would beyes. The safe answer would beyes.

Instead, I turn to face him, chest to chest.

"Please, no."

His fingers trace patterns on my arm. I should make a joke, break this tension before it drowns us both. Something about Stockholm syndrome or the dangers of midnight snacking with kidnappers.

I study how his eyes seem to glow in the moon’s reflection.

Then he takes his hands off me and takes a step back.


"Don’t." I press my hands into the pockets of my loose sweatpants, breathing in that scent that’s becoming too familiar. "Don’t say we should stop."

"Why not?"

"I can think of several reasons."

But he’s drawing me closer with this stare alone until I’m touching him again. "Starting with how risky this is for me."

"What part?" he asks. "The midnight snacking or the temptation with your kidnapper?"

"Both." I’m aiming for sass, but the word comes out breathless.

His thumb traces my bottom lip, and my eyes flutter closed.

"Everything about you is potential destruction for someone like me."

"Says the cage fighter."

"Ex-cage fighter." His forehead rests against mine. "I’m losing my mind." He cups my face, tilting it up. "Like my mind screams to slow down, but every part of me wants to drown in you, anyway."

"That’s..." I swallow hard. "That’s a lot."