Page 77 of Just Like That

The words were sour on my tongue, and I washed them away with another quick sip of beer.

She may not be my girl, but sometimes it sure as hell felt like she was—times when she looked at me, without saying a word, and gave me that soft smile, the one that tugged at the center of my chest.

I need to get away from you.

I’d been hearing versions of that sentiment my entire life. I was too cold, too focused on my career, too willing to do whatever it took to keep the family business afloat. It stung when Hazel had said it, but I understood.

It was why I had kept my distance for the past few days. I still needed to figure out a way to help her understand my perspective—fine. I didn’texactlyremember Olive, and that was shitty. I couldn’t change that. What I could change was how I showed up for Teddy. For her. A plan was forming, and step one of that plan was giving her a few days to cool off so we might have a conversation and work it all out.

See? It’s logical, and she is definitely not my girl.

Royal let out a hearty laugh. “Okay. Sure.”

I diverted my attention to Teddy, who had joined Ben and Tillie in the blueberry fields. Their legs were caked by dust clinging to their sweaty skin. Their pockets were bulging, and their fingertips were already stained purple.

“I slept with her sister, man. Come on.” I shook my head.

Royal shifted his weight. “So you remember it, huh? Was it when you were interning in Chicago?”

I nodded. “That time frame lines up.” I scrubbed my hand on the back of my neck. “I don’treallyremember it, if you know what I mean.” I peeked up at him, feeling the shame of my one-night stand and its consequences wash over me.

He shrugged. “We’ve all been there.” He gestured toward Teddy with his bottle. “You got a cool kid out of the deal, though. So there’s that.”

I didn’t bother hiding my smile at the mention of Teddy. “Yeah. Who would have guessed?”

“That is, if the paternity comes back a match,” he added.

My gut churned as I swallowed. “Right. Of course.”

“But the sister ...” He waggled his eyebrows. “Make your move yet?”


I was absolutely not discussing her—or the fact I knew what her tits looked like covered with my cum—with my older brother.

“Grow up,” I shot back, pushing his solid frame and knocking him off-kilter.

He grinned. “Never.”

In a quick move, Royal tossed his arm around my neck and put me in a headlock. My beer bottle went spinning in the grass.

I pushed at his arm and tried to get free, but he held on to me.

“Say it,” he demanded as we wrestled. “Say it ...”

“You’re a fuckhead.” I tried to free myself and almost got him off balance when he shifted and tightened his grip around my neck.

“Come on, John Pierce ... say you love me.” His laugh rolled through me, and I grinned alongside him.

I looped my leg around his and shifted my weight. I might not be as bulky as he was, but I was quicker. Tossing my hips, I was able to knock him off balance and we both tumbled into the grass and dirt.

My laugh rang out as I rolled away from him.

“Fine.” I stared down at a laughing Royal and held out my hand. “I love you.”

He gripped my hand and I pulled him to his feet. “See? Doesn’t that feel good?” He slapped a hand on my back. “I love you too.”

Abel gestured toward us while talking to Duke. “You see what I have to deal with?”