Rockalwayswon.Everyone knew that.
With a triumphant smirk, I walked back to the room at the far end of the skoolie, my eyes flicking to the cabinet above the sink. I was relieved it was still closed. Somehow the latch to the cabinet where I kept my sister’s ashes had popped open, and I made a mental note to fix that tomorrow.
He really doesn’t need to know you’re carting around your sister’s remains because you don’t know what to do with them.
I peeked up at him as I started to close the sliding barn-style door. “Give me two seconds to change and I’ll be ready.”
JP stared at me like he hadn’t already been more than acquainted with my body, and my cheeks flushed at the memory.
I slid the door closed the rest of the way and hurried to disrobe and slip on a night shirt. I piled my hair on top of my head with a scrunchie and tossed my dirty clothes into a hamper. When I slid the bedroom door back open, JP was bare chested and in nothing but his black boxer briefs.
My eyes flicked from his crotch to his face and back again. A warm buzz hummed beneath my skin as I appreciated the cut lines of his trim waist. When my eyes moved back up, he was looking me over, too, and a small, nervous laugh escaped me.
“You forgot to pack me pajamas.” His voice was low and thick.
I blinked. “It’s fine.” The strangled squeak of my voice betrayed me.
I rounded the bed and rearranged a pillow before resting on top of the covers. Lying on my back, I stared at the ceiling while JP closed the door and climbed into bed beside me.
Heat from his body rolled off him, and I squeezed my thighs together. He smelled rich and spicy and a little like camp smoke. Side by side we stared at the ceiling. The side of his calf tickled my leg and I jerked.
“Sorry,” he mumbled.
A giggle built inside my chest and I pressed my lips together. My shoulders shook.
“What?” he asked.
I rolled to face him, tucking my hands under my head. “I can’t believe Royal actually put a bag over your face.”
JP mirrored my position and he smirked. “Royal is an overgrown child.”
I grinned as I studied his handsome features. “He got you here, though.”
His eyes moved over my face. “Yeah ... I guess he did.”
I licked my lip, summoning every ounce of courage I could find. “So ... are we just not going to talk about what happened? The other night?”
JP’s knee grazed mine, and I was all too aware of the tiny points of contact between us.
“It was . . .” he started.
“A mistake?” I finished for him despite the tightness in my chest.
JP’s signature scowl flashed across his face. “I was going to say ‘a good time.’”
My world spun. “Oh . . .”
He smirked and a soft rumble sounded from his chest. “Did you think it was a mistake?”
I swallowed hard. “No. Not really.”
On top of the blanket, his fingertip grazed the top of my thigh, moving from my knee to my hip.
“What are you doing?” I whispered.
His wicked grin widened. “Getting cozy.”
My playful words from earlier taunted me. His touch was searing, igniting a path as it slowly dragged to my hip and up my torso. My eyes flicked to the closed door, and he understood my concern.