“Promise?” Hazel asked.
Teddy simply drew an X over his checkered shirt and opened his book.
With a kind smile, Judge Burns gestured for us to enter, and I stepped inside while Hazel shook his hand and followed. Two chairs were positioned in front of his large oak desk.
“Please, sit.” He gestured to the seats as he rounded the desk.
I waited for Hazel to sit before unbuttoning my jacket and sitting in the chair beside her.
Nerves rolled off her in waves. She clutched a piece of paper in her lap, and her foot bounced.
“Well,” Judge Burns began, “sounds like we’ve got a bit of family drama. Well,moreof it, I should say.” The judge winked at me, and I stifled another eye roll.
“Sir, if I may.” I leaned forward. “Ms. Adams believes that her sister Olivia and I?—”
“It’s Olive,” Hazel interrupted.
I turned to her. “What?”
“Her name wasOlive, not Olivia. You don’t even remember hername?” Emotion was thick in her voice, and I immediately felt like the world’s biggest asshole.
I cleared my throat. “My apologies. Olive.” I looked at the judge. “Clearly I don’t know this woman, or her child. He’s a cute kid, don’t get me wrong, but he’s not mine.”
Judge Burns turned his attention to Hazel. “Why don’t we start with you, miss. Who are you and how can I help?”
Hazel gathered her strength and straightened in the plush, white chair. “My name is Hazel Adams. My sister wasOlive—” Her eyes sliced toward me. “That’s Teddy’s mom. She passed away in April.”
The judge’s pale-green eyes were soft and kind. “I’m sorry to hear that. Losing a sibling is a special kind of pain. Your sister left custody of her son with you?”
Hazel’s lower lip pulled between her teeth. “Um ... kind of. As next of kin, I was granted custody, but her wishes did also include possible shared custody with Teddy’s father.” Her gaze flicked to me, then back to the judge.
Custody? What the fuck?
My heart pounded as my back stayed glued to the seat.
The judge’s features pinched as he focused on Hazel. “But he’s grown up with you, correct?”
She blinked rapidly and fumbled with the papers. “To be honest, I wasn’t living near them—a large part of my career is—wastraveling. But things change.” Hazel raised her chin. “It has become clear that he wants nothing to do with his son, which is fine. I’ve spent the last several months with him, and now I want to have full custody.”
I slapped a hand on my thigh. “Fine. I can sign away custody right now. Done.”
As soon as the words were out, I was caught off guard by a sharp stab beneath my ribs. I pushed past it and focused on steadying my breathing and ignoring the image of Teddy’s sweet face that popped into my mind.
Judge Burns held up a hand and shook his head. “I’m afraid it’s not that simple, Mr. King. You cannot give up custody of a child that isn’t proven to be yours. You yourself stated Teddy was not your son. Clearly there is a question of paternity. Unfortunately, in the best interest of the child, I am not able to make a recommendation until the issue of paternity is resolved.”
“How long does that take?” I asked, pinching the bridge of my nose.
“Weeks? Months?” Judge Burns sighed. “It’s difficult to say how quickly these things get pushed through. Once the issue of paternity is established, the court can make a ruling on custody. If you’re proven to be his father, you can sign your rights over to Ms. Adams at that time.”
The room tilted as I attempted to gain my bearings.
Hazel slipped a piece of paper from her purse. “This is Olive’s application for Teddy’s birth certificate.” The coral nail polish on her index finger was chipped, and I briefly wondered whether nerves had caused her to pick it off. “She put his name right there.”
I leaned forward to see my name,JP King,written in the space for the father’s full name.
Judge Burns hummed. “Mr. King’s name is on the application, but if he never signed anything, in the state of Michigan, his name wouldn’t appear on the actual birth certificate. However, her last will and testament did nominate both you, Ms. Adams, and you, Mr. King, as guardians.” The judge frowned and turned to me. “I take it having a child with the late Ms. Adams was not in the plan?”