Hi! It’s Hazel. I’m hoping the Bluebirds can come through for me tonight. It’s a big ask, but I need anyone open and willing to come to a séance? I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.
When and where?
JP’s house. Immediately?
He’s going to hate that. I am definitely in.
Let’s do this!
I can be there in five.
Sloane, pick me up.
I want to come!
Me too!
Well I’m not missing it either. Carpool!
One by one,my phone chimed with enthusiastic support. I grinned even when a ripple of nerves ran down my back. I needed to get moving to create the perfect space for my sister’s spirit to come through.
Sure, I’d neveractuallysuccessfully conjured a spirit, but there’s a first time for everything, right?
Drawing in a cleansing breath, I centered myself before gathering our supplies. I laid a blanket across the kitchen island. Rummaging through the kitchen drawers, I found a few emergency candles that would have to do. I tossed them in the middle of the island and pulled open the spice cabinet. Thanks to JP’s meticulous nature, they were alphabetized and I grabbed out a few sprigs of rosemary. I hurried as I found my tarot cards, white sage, and the picture I had of JP and my sister.
I stared down at her grinning face and my heart ached. JP looked so young and free. Olive was fierce and having the time of her life.
I placed the picture down on the makeshift altar and unlocked the front door. Moments later, headlights turned into the driveway, and I waved.
One by one the women piled out of the SUV. Luna wasn’t far behind them.
On the porch, I lowered my voice. “Teddy is asleep so we’ll have to be quiet. Thanks for showing up.”
MJ peered around my shoulder. “Where’s my brother? Is he in on this?”
I swallowed. “He’s ... out right now.”
I moved toward the door when Luna stepped forward. “For this to work, we need to clear our energy. Any skeptics or those not open to thepossibilityof connecting to the other side will only ruin the experience. Now is the time to excuse yourself.”
Our eyes floated across one another as we were cloaked in darkness.
In a silent agreement, tiny nods rippled through the semicircle of women.